Piracy isn’t THAT bad and they know it

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Who said I'm not sharing it for free? Or I won't? It a project in development. ;)
Don't judge a book by its cover.


PS - I see you edited and added a lot more nonsense.

I feel sorry for myself, for trying to give you advice. Wasted time, that I could use fixing my camera.
lolz.... According to this entire post, there MUST be a free link or else you're just being short sighted. Your words. Not mine.

And that's not an ad-hominem attack. I'm simply saying the policy you're advocating is nonsense. Which is the exact opposite of what an ad-hominem attack is..

ad ho·mi·nem/ˈad ˈhämənəm/
(of an argument or reaction) Arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic.
Attacking an opponent's motives or character rather than the policy or position they maintain.

Need I say more?

And yes, you did waste your time trying to give advice no person on the planet would take. I've been in the music business for over 15 yrs. I know crappy advice when I see it.

We are bit offtopic, and literally hijacked this thread. I'm off with discussing with you.
Everyone else is free to give their opinion on what OP posted in his first post, not to discuss, what Heart and I discussed.
Few year ago i wrote a program, a google search now will result in the first 10 pages where you can download it on all kinds of filehosts.
but you have to look it on the other site Micro$oft isn't this big because of their great programming, no its because Windows 3.1/Windows 95 was the most copied (read pirated) software in the world ever.
Look at the movies made today for example "The Dark Knight Rises"
Budget: $250,000,000 (estimated)
Gross: $1,013,114,000 (Worldwide) (9 September 2012)
more then $750,000,000 gross profit, even with this great/enormous pirate problem!
My opinion yours nor mine product where that good to make any profit, doesn't matter if they are pirated or not.
cvrle is right on spot here....so I'll just summarize it.

1) You cannot stop piracy of digital goods. Movies, Templates, Songs, Scripts, Ebooks etc etc. It will be pirated regardless and no one can do anything about it. Unless you shut down the internet, but people will simply exchange CD's again.
2) If you actually make something GOOD people will still buy it, regardless if there are shitload of copies online. (perfect example is new Batman movie, that movie made a ton and I bet it has been illegally downloaded over million times by now)
3) Actually, no need for third point..

We are bit offtopic, and literally hijacked this thread. I'm off with discussing with you.
Everyone else is free to give their opinion on what OP posted in his first post, not to discuss, what Heart and I discussed.


I posted the actual definition and you're STILL trying to appear as if you're right? While also acting as if you don't want to continue?

Goodness man. Give it up.

Smith - Everything you just said has already been said. The point still remains, ITS THEFT! Just admit its theft and at least be honest with yourselves. Why is this so hard?

This thread is a perfect example of how little respect people have for other peoples hard work. Attempting to justify stealing work people are trying to make a living off of because 'its online'.. sad...

If any of you would just say 'yes, you're right, its theft...' this would have been over already. But apparently this is just not going to happen.
Try to be ontopic, please. Read what first post is about, and comment on that. I will not discuss anything further with you.
If you have something constructive to say, say. If not, stop preaching.
Also, stop begging others to agree with you.
what did the first guy say anyway hehehe

O yea something about some independent movie getting pirated a lot and then word of mouth making it's sales EXPLODE
kinda sounds a lot like the point cvrle77 was trying to make

like it or not there will always be people who want things for free and people who enjoy giving it to them
and giving free samples to rope people in has been a big marketing strategy since long before the internet

I seem to recall getting an email a few weeks back that some musician gave the piratebay his new emblem to share
he must have thought it was good advertizing
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