PigSonic.com – We pay 65% of Premium Sales or $35/1000 downloads or hybrid

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UPDATE 09 May 2012

Hello everybody,

Starting with today, 09 May 2012, we've made significant changes to our Affiliate Program, we've INCREASED PAYMENTS FOR ALL PLANS.

PLAN A Pay Per Sale (PPS)
We pay 65% of revenues PREMIUM Accounts brought by you

PLAN B Pay Per Download (PPD)
We pay till $ 35 for 1000 downloads
Our affiliate program includes all the countries
We've also made changes in Group of Countries.

PLAN C Hybrid (MIXT)
We pay 30% of revenues PREMIUM Accounts brought by you + till $ 17 for 1000 downloads
Our affiliate program includes all the countries

More information on http://www.pigsonic.com/pages/affiliates.html

Rules and Conditions
1. Please do not upload copyrighted files.
2. We count every complete download.
3. Payments are made via PayPal, minimum payout is $15. Payments are made weekly, every Thursday.
4. Downloads count from all countries around the world.
5. Do not spam your files to your friends.
6. Manipulation of our system in any way will result in you being disqualified and your account being banned.
7. If another uploader registers under a referral link of yours, you will permanently earn 10% of what that uploader earns.

We've canceled the function that delete money if the file is deleted.

We've added the REPORTS.

Best regards.
Plz add :

-FTP upload
-France in group A
-webmoney or alertpay
-increase Storage to 500 GB

aply this if u want to attract uploaders
2 payments about ~$16 isn't really a proof. It doesn't really convince me. :))
Waiting for proof and screenshots of users here in forum.... :P
Only 100GB space for free users ??
And Generate link does not contain file name facilities with generated links.
And Affiliate plan shows $26 for 1000 downloads
but here your title of this topic says:
PigSonic.com – We pay 65% of Premium Sales or $35/1000 downloads or hybrid

upload speed is good though.
Hope this site will not stop their affiliate plan like filesonic (name resembles)......
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