PigSonic.com – We pay 65% of Premium Sales or $35/1000 downloads or hybrid

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I earn about $2 by PPD and Pigsonic will force change plan B to plan A(PPD to PPS).

Hello, it was a problem of the display, but not of the counting downloads. All the downloads was counted correctly. I solved this problem.

my plan changed into PPS too, it is strange anyone know how to change to PPD again?
Hello, it was a problem of the display, but not of the counting downloads. All the downloads was counted correctly. I solved this problem.

No alertpay, FFS Please
We will add more ways of payment soon.
We are working on the FTP and statistics.

Please add Webmoney !!!
We will add more ways of payment soon, we are working ok it.
Best regards

All these new romanian hosts gotta be some scheme to steal peoples money.... seriously... they all suck
We will prove that we pay our uploaders as soon as the time become to pay them with the prinscreen ( paypal, payalert, etc...)

Best regards

Do not statistics?
Is coming soon, we are working on it

Best regards

only 50 GB of free space

Hello, we increased the free space from 50GB to 100 GB
Best regards

Added after 4 minutes:


me too please add alertpay or webmoney.

Nice :
Romania (RO)

We are working on it, it is coming soon

Best regards

I don't want to be pessimistic, but this is another Romanian filehost and all we know what fate they had.

we will prove you that you are wrong
Best regards
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Do you count multiple downloads from the same IP ?
And i think there is some problem in my account. I am earning money from PPD plan, but i can't see any button or link to see the reports.
Why so ??
How I can use Remote upload from Rapidshare? Form nick:pass@rapidshare.com/files/... not working :(

Will you add form with logins to other sites for remote..? :)
please increase the space 100 gb is very little
Good design greetings

Added after 2 Hours 33 minutes:

please add button select all or deselect, plus arrange the movement of files into folders. thanks
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please fix the remote upload from RapidShare, when I tried to RU from RS I got this error:

File download failed:500 Can't connect to rapidshare.com:443
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