PicExposed.com - Non-Adult and Adult Image Sharing - Up to $7.00/1000 Views!

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Recently traffic from REJECTED PAYMENT USER have problem, my advertisers reported that.

Please check your self to optimize traffic to continue use our service

Thanks so much!
I thing your count state it not correct

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr"]
I thing something problem surly , If not problem i thing your rate is very low
I thing your count state it not correct

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr"]
I thing something problem surly , If not problem i thing your rate is very low

because rates are wrong
sorry sorry
the rates are tricky
jo the tricker never give the rates that he promises
try it yourself
its not easy to understand
he is here for a long time because he pays
but now also he started to reject earnings without reason

guy be careful and check rates yourself
for example
site says turkey 1.00 for 1000
i swear you guys
he just give 0,7
i swear on my everything
he is a big liar

he will start arguament with me here but it will not change he is tricker
[table="class: Tbl1, width: 100%"]
[td="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]2014-09-05[/td]
[td="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]$26.94[/td]
[td="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]pending[/td]
[table="class: Tbl1, width: 100%"]
[td="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]2014-09-16[/td]
[td="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]$6.18[/td]
[td="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]pending[/td]
[TABLE="class: tbl1, width: 100%"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]2014-09-05[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]$26.94[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E9F0FF"]REJECTED (Bad traffic. We do not allowed your traffic from now, your account will be banned soon. Regards)[/TD]
guys dont use picexposed he is big scammer ! LIAR dont trust him

Can Wj staff look into this please?
I think maybe affilaites are getting fed up of imagehosts getting paid and then not passing revenue on?
Too many scammers about at he moment.

bro kemalettin67 just move on, its a small amount ... guys here got scammed by fileOm .. some lost 3k and they dint say what you said ..nor getting angry like you

extabit scammed for 1300$ and i wasnt angry like you (who lost 6$) cmon calm your balls

i'm not saying that camry is a scammer but banning kemal for bringing "bad traffic" is bullshit specially if that traffic is listed in your countries table ...at least pay him and remove that bad traffic from countries table ...

(kemal i just wanna see you 1 day happy and not fighting around :wacko:)
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i quit from picexposed...please delete my account more than dont work scammer liar camry extortion my money imgpaying and picexposed

my 101$ scam camry picexposed
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