You don't need to explain your how your script is counting views, as you already did:
- on another forum, you're offering partner image host with "shaving mod as requirement"
- member
@Lai disclosed that your offering in first post at this thread and on your website is everything but transparent.
I never asked you how long you're operating and how many $ you've processes, but how could one visit be counted differently from your offering?
Members here might be working with you because you pay on time and might have decent rates, but I am here to disclose them that you're false-advertising your rates and mislead to them on your website and every single post here at WJ and on other forums.
I've also took liberty to look deeper in your picbaron operation and found way too many questionable posts in your "News" section which can prove that you're running this whole business on a risky level, not taking any precaution, for example:
- two latest posts in the news gave opposite statement: one is saying that your Paypal is blocked, and in another you also mention advertisers blocking your accounts;
- one of those posts also mentioning delay in payments due those blockings, which could paint a clear picture to any of your members and here on WJ board that you do not have operating funds for your business, but only those you receive from ad networks. By saying that,
each and every single member of your affiliate network depends on when and if you're going to receive the money. In case you don't, they'll also be left without it.
- going throughout your history with DamImage, Imgstudio, imageteam and others, who can guarantee that members won't hang on money they've earned once the same situation happens? You could've stopped that frkm happening by asking for letter of intention from the past buyers, or simply put a clause in contract that they commit on paying your affiliates?
Your business operation is far from stable and reliable, as you're proving yourself every day of being interested in yourself only and your pocket, and I will be more than happy to shed some light on it.