PHP vs ASP.Net

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I think each is good for something, ASP.NET is for bigger projects... but I like php more ....well thats how I see it :-)
Well... as Proka already said if you have to develop a "big" project you should use .NET.
I prefer .NET because you can do whatever you want in a simple way (Visual Studio is an excellent editor/debug).
.NET is more flexible and you have access to an "unlimited" native functions (mail, ftp, and so on).
It depends on what you want to do with the chosen language

Are you going to learn it or want your programmer to use?

Do you have good Budget or just want to get things done?

PHP => Easy to learn (There are lots of tutorials and open source projects)
ASP.NET => Little hard to learn (There are tutorials for it also but not as much as PHP I think)

PHP => Its code is little messy
ASP.NET => Better structured

PHP => Cheap (Tools required to set it up are mostly free)
ASP.NET => Expensive (Required tools may cost you)

PHP => Hiring a Developer is cheaper
ASP.NET => Hiring a developer is expensive

PHP => Less flexible
ASP.NET => More Flexible

PHP => Popular applications (Wordpress, joomla, magento)
ASP.NET => Better structured (DotNetNuke, Kentico, Umbraco)

PHP => Less flexible
ASP.NET => More Flexible

There are much more to compare but it all depends what you want to do
yes php rocks and has a $0 barrier to entry - but it depends on what platform you are the most comfortable with....

if you are die-hard windows go with ASP

if you are a linux lover go with PHP

You can also run PHP on windows using XAMP etc but its just not the same thing...

It really depends on largely what you are trying to do, and the language you are most comfortable with. My teachers always told me that there are 50 ways to skin a cat (no disrespect to you animal lovers, b/c I mean none), its the same with coding though.

1. What type of server are you hosting the code on?
2. How large do you anticipate this project to be?
3. What is the cost budgeted to maintain this content?
4. Will there be a team working on the project, if so how large, and what code are most members of the team most comfortable with?
Well structured comparasion. But one point I'd like to make is that with Visual Studio Express .Net tools are not expensive anymore. Visual Studio Express is free ;-)
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