_Vick was trying to extort $5/copy outta poor kids in the CB for this script so I figured I'd post it here real quick. lol. Anyway, good for people who might need it.
Outputs filename, file link, and size.
//Basic API based link generator for Filesonic
//Uses FGC, so doesn't require a curl function, lol
$username = "FILESONICUSERNAME"; //or email lol
$password = "FILESONICPASSWORD"; //just password
$link = "http://www.filesonic.com/file/1234/file.ext"; //does not work, just a sample
$id = explode("/", $link);
$id = trim($id[4]);
$apicall = "http://api.filesonic.com/link?method=getDownloadLink&u=$username&p=$password&ids=$id&format=json";
$page = file_get_contents($apicall);
$page = json_decode($page, TRUE);
$genLink = trim($page['FSApi_Link']['getDownloadLink']['response']['links'][$id]['url']);
$headers = get_headers($genLink, true);
echo 'Link: ' . $genLink . "\n";
echo 'Filename: ' . $page['FSApi_Link']['getDownloadLink']['response']['links'][$id]['filename'] . "\n";
echo 'Size: ' . $headers['Content-Length'];
Outputs filename, file link, and size.