PHP and PDO connections

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The answer from any respectable programmer would be one of the following:
- No, I use PDO
- Yes, I use MySQLi instead

Either are good, just upto personal preference really.
See, this is the very reason why I asked; I can't necessarily agree with that statement.

As of PHP 5.1+ PHP comes bundled with the MySQL PDO driver, but NOT MySQLi; meaning not only to remove PDO connectability would you have to compile PHP WITHOUT PDO, but obviously Zend believes that it's more secure and easier to work with (otherwise why would they make it standard)?

PDO is a universal format for up to 12 different database technologies, where obviously MySQLi only supports MySQL. With both you are able to use the OOP structured approach (while MySQLi you're able to make procedural calls), however with PDO you're also able to fetch data and inject it directly into an object for immediate use. (which should be reason enough to use it) Not to mention named parameters or prepared statements.

Additionally, how do you know for sure whether or not you'll still be using MySQL in a month, or a year from now? With PDO it's very easy to simply change your calls, and update your script. If you're transferring from MySQLi to PDO you'll have to basically restructure everything.

I guess I should restructure my question a bit better; "Explain to me why you all claim to be 'web masters' but are still all using outdated database calls?"
This is a bit offtopic, but decided to give you an awnser.
eeehm, do not see any reason why a webmaster needs knowledge in HTML, Because they pay others or use scripts. But still it is always better to know at least the basics.


I do agree, PDO is a build in solution so you can basically be sure that everything is safe, unless you are the one who screws up. Also it's future proof compared to mysqli. Both are fast however pdo has more adapters, So...

About it being easier, Well, Maybe like said above it is more about preference, However I got my own class for the database with pdo inside it but that could have being done easily with mysqli also.

I am a webmaster for 20 year but I don't know HTML, is that ok?

No, it's not. The very fact that you're not familiar with HTML or HTML5 is the very reason why you're unable to call yourself a webmaster. For example, I have the capacity to run, and I can run, but I don't claim myself to be a marathon runner because I don't run in marathons. You have the capacity to run a website (assuming it's not in HTML, apparently), and you probably do, but just because you can do those things doesn't make you a webmaster.

The term webmaster was created for the cream-of-the-crop, someone who was a jack of all trades when it came to running, maintaining, and updating web programming and infrastructure. Now apparently anyone can call themselves that because they own a website. It's pretty embarrassing if you ask me.

This is a bit off-topic, but decided to give you an answer.
eeehm, do not see any reason why a webmaster needs knowledge in HTML, Because they pay others or use scripts. But still it is always better to know at least the basics.


I do agree, PDO is a build in solution so you can basically be sure that everything is safe, unless you are the one who screws up. Also it's future proof compared to mysqli. Both are fast however pdo has more adapters, So...

About it being easier, Well, Maybe like said above it is more about preference, However I got my own class for the database with pdo inside it but that could have being done easily with mysqli also.

This may be true, about it being about preference, however, my preference could be PHP 1.0 and you'd all laugh at me, because I'd be so far behind the times that I'd be outdated in just about every single way; which again, was the point of this thread. I wanted to know from a group of my 'piers' why you thought it was okay to operate outside of convention.

HTML stands for hypertext markup language, it's the oldest, and the most predominate markup language in existence as well as a web standard. Although HTML is not a programming language, claiming to be a programmer without any knowledge of HTML is tantamount to saying that you're a professional driver by being a pizza delivery boy with no license.

Don't misread my analogy; I'm sure you can make a wonderful web programmer without knowing anything about HTML, all I'm saying is that if you're attempting to conduct yourself as a professional and someone asks you an HTML question after you've just shot off at the mouth about being a full fledged web developer and you're forced to respond to their question with "Uhhh, I dunno!" then you've just made yourself look like an idiot.
As a webmaster i do not personally use PDO i use mysqli as im not to big onto programming anymore and i know using PDO would give me the option to port over and easily optimize things on different sql software.

As a host i usually place PDO and mysqli as active on my servers due to mysqli is always used since PDO is not to used much in public scripts except for a couple forums like IPB and VB
PDO is very nice.
Althought it is only useful for prepared sql statements.
If you still use it like the standard mysql_query thing it does not make a difference as its both unsecure.
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