Petty.Link Shorturl | Up to $12/1000 views | Min Payout $3.2/1000 views

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Yep. Its But How can I pay after I found your Traffic is BIG Scam.?

Payment Goes to people even before hours. Nobody will trust you lol
Really? Sites like Uploaded and Rapidgator,better that yours ridiculous site,paid me without problem. And other shorteners like,Tmearn or Ouo paid me in time .Do you wanna see the payments proofs?You only tell lies and stop payments these days,i'll come back here in 1 week and see posts demanding pendings payments,lol.BIG SCAM.
@Vaoservices Hello I have been unable to access my account for several days, I have tried to access but it tells me the following: error not found user. Will I again lose my effort and all the work I have done? user:

I hope you are so kind to say that it has happened
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