PC, Laptop, MACbook iMac

how many use PC, Laptop, Macbook and iMac

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80% pc, 5% laptop, 15% android tablet (used to manage server and... play some games and watch tv show :P )
It should be "Desktop" instead of "PC", since PC is a personal computer which can include desktops, laptops, notebooks, etc..

Anyway, I primarily use my desktop computer for pretty much everything. Work, blogging, streaming on Hulu, gaming, all the good stuff.

I do use my laptop when I'm not near enough to my desktop or when I want to lay down and watch something.
I have two main PCs each with 32GB RAM and Haswell CPUs, one is Windows based (gaming rig with 3x 780Ti) and the other is Ubuntu based. They're KVM'd together with my triple 27" displays that are currently 1080p, however I'm going to replace them in the next couple weeks with three 28" 4k monitors.

My laptops all run Ubuntu.

My phone and tablet are both Android. I also have an iPad gen 1 that I leave in my living room as a remote control for my Plex Media Server as that is all its capable of doing.

Only time I ever do anything with crApple OS is in a VM, and thats typically just so that I can convert a crApple file to one that can be opened on Linux/Windows.
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