Go to your Resolution Center & let us know what they are asking you for (steps)

Thanks for the reply man, look, this sent me mail:
To ensure compliance with our AUP, we ask you to provide more information about your site (s) Web and / or certain payments so they can verify that their transactions do not violate our policy.
Please make reference to the following data:
- Transaction 1XM0708********* the day August 20, 2015 amounting to $ X.XX USD
(This is a payment received from AnaFile)
- Transaction 0YG2917********* the day August 23, 2015 amounting to $ X.XX USD
(This is a payment received from FileDais)
- Transaction 3LY8528********* day September 8, 2015 by value of $ X.XX USD
(This is a payment received from AnaFile)
Please follow these steps to comply with the terms of our Acceptable Use Policy and to avoid any possible limitation or closing your account:
- Describe the products and / or services associated with your PayPal transactions.
If these transactions are associated with a Web site, we ask you to provide access to the URLs of the Web sites where these transactions originated.
If these transactions are not associated with the sales of a website, we request that you provide specific information on the nature of the transactions, including the description of the goods or services linked to such payments.
I just do not understand why the limitation.
Greetings and thank you, excuse my English I use translator.