Payment issue with Propellerads

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Active Member
Hello! anyone using propeller ads here ? i have made around $123 from april 2014 to may 31st 2014 and $141 from april 2014 to june 21 2014 from propeller ads. i got a $77 pending payment for the month of april and i dont know when will they pay it, when i asked support about payment all they said is i have to wait net 30 and reach $100+ to get my payment. but i dont understand how will i reach net 30 if they dont bring forward my earning. do i have to reach $100 for the current month to clear the april pending payment ? if it like that will they pay my april earning and my current month earning together ? what about month of may ? im seriously confused here. what about month of may ? i have made around $46 dollars in may. how will they pay it if they dont bring forward my funds to the next month. i dont see it as pending too. im totally confused with their payment system
Okay zappie, I've read only part of your post and I'm going to explain how they proceed with payments (as everyone else).

If you earn $100 or more in a month of May, your payment will be processed at the start of July (1st - 5th July). If you were unable to earn $100 (minimum threshold), your payment from that month will be added on next payout term.

So if you earned $77 in April, and $46 in May, you will get full payout of $123 at the start of July.
Okay zappie, I've read only part of your post and I'm going to explain how they proceed with payments (as everyone else).

If you earn $100 or more in a month of May, your payment will be processed at the start of July (1st - 5th July). If you were unable to earn $100 (minimum threshold), your payment from that month will be added on next payout term.

So if you earned $77 in April, and $46 in May, you will get full payout of $123 at the start of July.

thanks for the quick reply methad0ne. now i can understand how their system works. i assume i will get my payment in july.
That's right. You will get your payment in first or second week on July. I was also their publisher, but after they changed their panel, they lowered down CPM for pops to almost $0.1 and that's a pretty low.
That's right. You will get your payment in first or second week on July. I was also their publisher, but after they changed their panel, they lowered down CPM for pops to almost $0.1 and that's a pretty low.
Hello! Thank you for your detailed answer about payments!
As for CPM lowering - release of new publishers panel couldn't affect the rates.
Please contact us via "Support" tab in your account and your traffic will be personally reviewed by a member of our support team.
Hey propeller,

I never said that new panel caused that, but after you've released panel, you've lowered down the rates very much...
This is the last CPM I've got before I've removed the tag 0.1135.
Hi, i recently joined yours newtork and i want to know average CPM for Balkan traffic , for first day i have 0.14$ which is low considering other networks :)
Thank you for your time :)
Hi, i recently joined yours newtork and i want to know average CPM for Balkan traffic , for first day i have 0.14$ which is low considering other networks :)
Thank you for your time :)
This is below average CPM rates for Balkan countries.
The best way is to get in touch with your personal manager via "Support" tab in your account.
He will review your traffic and give specific recommendations for CPM improvement.
Hi, i recently joined yours newtork and i want to know average CPM for Balkan traffic , for first day i have 0.14$ which is low considering other networks :)
Thank you for your time :)
This is below average CPM rates for Balkan countries.
The best way is to get in touch with your personal manager via "Support" tab in your account.
He will review your traffic and give specific recommendations for CPM improvement.

Strange, support says that they dont support publishers with managers.

"Helen Rivers
(26 June, 2014 4:24)
Hello, we don't support our publishers through managers. If you have any questions you can create a ticket to a support team. We suggest waiting for optimization at least for several days and also try different formats of advertisement Regards, Support team"
"Helen Rivers
(26 June, 2014 4:24)
Hello, we don't support our publishers through managers. If you have any questions you can create a ticket to a support team. We suggest waiting for optimization at least for several days and also try different formats of advertisement Regards, Support team"
Sorry for that issue. Helen means that now managers support publishers via support desk for organized help.
Hello again! i started this thread.

here is an update:- propeller ads paid me on time. i would recommend propeller ads to all webmasters here.

here is my payment screenshot


Thank you propeller ads.
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