Pay Per Sale program pays $35 per sale!

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Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce to you shareconsoles pay per sale program. I am currently looking for long term promoters that want to earn a lot from their websites.

You will get paid $35 on each sale you make, payments are every 2 weeks through paypal (for now) we are looking to expand as we grow. More payment methods and weekly payments.

The way you would promote us is by placing your tracked link for example on the search result page of your site. This would then lead you on to our checkout page where the user pays for the service and then you will gain commision.

The difference between us and the rest is that we dont use affiliationcash. we use a different company

If you would like more information or would like to get started please email or add me on msn so we can have a chat

Thank you,
I've never bought one of those things so I really have no clue what it actually is, is it just a p2p client or something? I'm sure whoever buys it is really pissed off after.
I checked how many sales ive made from when i have started the website and with no promoters just some google hits and old archived links i have made 11 sales with a ratio of 1:286
Uterus, ofcourse it's a scam, and the buyer is always pissed. It's just, which paysite tries the best to avoid giving refunds :/
And this guy's a bloody spammer too. He mailed hundreds of people (probably got the enails from here) and then so was stupid to use CC instead of BCC so you could see all the email addresses.

I couldn't read the message because I had to scroll through hundreds of email addresses on my Iphone. And Horde on my PC simply didn't want to display the message because of its size.

I would say ban for spamming and publisizing members' email addresses.
I got the emails from my ddl site from when you submit downloads its called advertising... if you have anything to advertise you would do it to. About every other paysite does that to get promoters. if your not interested its a simple delete button no need to open it and scroll down? Dont be so ignorant to say i was stupid to use CC thats maybe because it got sent through the ddl script which automaticly does that :)
I don't think you get the message. It's unsolicited mail... it's spam. A banner on a site is advertising, this is spam.

Furthermore, I think it's incorrect to make other people's email public so they will be the victim of more eople like you who thinks it's ok to spam.
If its unsolicited, your email address shouldnt of been left on my ddl site?

Well if it was upto me i wouldnt have left everyones email addresses there like that. but seen as its human error i apologize if i have done anything to spam you or anyone regarding. next time i wont email you.
And this guy's a bloody spammer too. He mailed hundreds of people (probably got the enails from here) and then so was stupid to use CC instead of BCC so you could see all the email addresses.

I couldn't read the message because I had to scroll through hundreds of email addresses on my Iphone. And Horde on my PC simply didn't want to display the message because of its size.

I would say ban for spamming and publisizing members' email addresses.

I did not get the email addresses from anyone here as ive already said and it seems like you just want to see me banned for some mistake that was made which ive apologized for
It all depends on traffic if its just pure google traffic, then it converts much better than submission traffic or any other
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