OwnDrives.com - Free FileHost, No Premium

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Lack of support really does annoy me, especially from someone like Host DZire who has their own hosting business.

You were seen 2 days ago and now today at Today 05:33 AM yet no information on what's going on?

Site seems fine now but still no payout...

@myvideolinks: I think it's not the end but I really wish they would at least let us know what's going on with the delay.

I do accept this, and we are really sorry for that.

All bitcoin and payza payment is cleared.
Just few webmoney payment is left ( about 4-5 payments )

We can clear that too if you can accept bitcoin, payza, perfect money.

Or we can do webmoney within few days, we are waiting for some cash in wmz.

If you want to get it in bitcoin, payza, perfect money please ping me in skype.
Skype: HostDZire


Upload issue was fixed already, but i haven't updated here.


Yes still have same issue, can accept perfect money, bitcoin, payza over webmoney ?
If so contact me using skype.

Can someone give some info on the download speed.There is nothing mentioned about it for free and registered users(except saying no download or upload speed limits which every free hosts say and give 100kbps) .I dont want to waste time in a site that doesnt give download speed thats why.Thanks
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When I tried to register, it shows me "Software error" and when i try again, it says "Your account haven't confirmed yet.
Check your e-mail for confirm link or contact site administrator.
Or try to resend activation email"
but i didnt got any mail from you.
Thanks for help

Please check email now.

Hello Everyone,

All pending payment is sent now. WMZ, Bitcoin, Payza All of them.

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