I am calling Local Police right now I did not authorize you to take money from my account put it back OTE NETWORK LLC 936-2502588 WY Purchase/Return That is why I quit you guys you are thieves Wjunction please remove them from this site I check the blank do no take out any future money from my credits card and they still did My wife is at the bank now and we are going to Contact you uSA office I am so sick of you people amateurs. We are not done yet I expect that money put back immediately
Another joke [TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD]OTE Network LLC[/TD]
[TD]1621 Central Ave
Cheyenne, WY 82001
United States of America
Phone: +1 307 459 4603 We are going to contact WY authorities Had enough of your amateur ignorant stealing from people I called and no answer just some barely able to here recording I repeat do not use OTEUPLOAD[/TD]