Osamas Not Dead

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1. I don't even like hockey.
2. I've never ever ate "Canadian Bacon" in my entire life.

Stop being a stereotypical faggot. I don't give a fuck what he did. Only country he severally effected was the US. He had no effect on Canada what so ever.

You say you dont care about 2700 Americans deaths so ill stereotype you all day bitch. Especially since my cousin was 1 of the 2700 asshole.
finally this asshole is dead.i never understood why the fuck he killed innocent people i'm happy for the people who lost their families in 2001 may be its some kind of relief,well i hope this terrorism stuff stops as its really sucks.fuck them.
I dont give a fuck. Osama isnt dead. I mean Has anyone still wondered why the US buried him so fast, especially somewhere in the sea where his body is completely gone, no evidence, no picture evidence, I mean our government was soo happy about Sadam Husseins death we showed a video of his hanging, yet we can't have a simple image of Osama dead? This guy had a 50 million dollar bounty on his head and he gets buried in less than 24 hours? No extensive research on his body or proper diagnostics? VERY FISHY STUFF, if you ask me.

I just dont think hes dead.

he was not exactly killed yesterday...us forces killed osama a few days ago and sent his samples for DNA Analysis,it was only after confirmation they declared him dead

You say you dont care about 2700 Americans deaths so ill stereotype you all day bitch. Especially since my cousin was 1 of the 2700 asshole.

R.I.P - your cousin :'(
You say you dont care about 2700 Americans deaths so ill stereotype you all day bitch. Especially since my cousin was 1 of the 2700 asshole.
Lol I never said I didn't care about people dying you dumb fuck. Canadians are over there too, do you think I don't care? Your cousin was one, and a few of mine could be too. I have 4 family members over-seas. So don't try and play that shit with me.

ANyways, pause this argument cause I have to go to school, brb in 1 hour.
Reading some of the posts makes me absolutely disgusted. Some people here are either stupid, ignorant and completely retarded or just have a very immature understanding of world politics.

Bin Laden was a terrorist, he was killed - don't start the conspiracies please.

One post mentioned that the USA spent 10 years bombing the desert to try and get him.
Really? You think the war on Afghanstan and hundreds of billions of dollars were spent on killing Bin Laden alone? They are having a war on terror, and killing the extremist sad bastard is a plus.

This doesn't mean anything and the war will go on like usual, it's a long tough war on AlQaeda not Islam and not Bin-Laden.
Now, with seriousness_mode ON, what the fuck do you guys want?

A damn tour through the usa showing the body? Wanna touch it to check it wasnt an hologram?

For God's sake, this conspiracy stuff makes me sick. Even if there there were pictures of a dead Osama, there would be an e-army claiming it was photoshoped or a look-a-like.

So, in one sentence: if the goverment gives ADN, pictures or videos, they are forged, according to you people.
If they dont give any proof to the public, then they must be hidding something.

Awesome, really smart.
The picture above is not from an official source - the USA has not published any graphic evidence of his death, and I think if they are ever going to, it will be before everybody goes mad that it's only a conspiracy.

The picture above is from some Pakistani news station with hardly any recognition.
I've received confirmation that Osama moved in with Lady Gaga, somewhere in Bora Bora Island.

Now, if you all may lay to rest this boring conversation, please.
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