Oron subscription ?

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I have a Extend Oron Premium Account:
Premium Account expires: 314 days, 7 hours, 14 minutes, 42 seconds.which I payed for juliy 12 2011 now it says
You have reached the download limit: 20000 Mb
You can always create another Premium Account and keep downloading.
Do I have to pay I am already payed til july 2012 ?
watsayabtcoffee I have been using it since july 12 2011 never had reached the download limit: 20000 Mb
You can always create another Premium Account and keep downloading.come up do I Wait for 3 days, and I can download again and not have to pay , else get another premium if you want to download right away.and pay ?
So many people use ORON for porn and stuff... I have no idea why?? ORON sucks for both free and premium users. I can only presume that people upload to them because they might offer a good amount of money, but then if thats what their after, then why not use another filehost such as Fileserve / Filesonic or WUpload ??

I dont know... I just dont understand ORON.
I've NEVER been able to download from ORON, even as a free user. Apparently I have used up my daily allowance - Even though I haven't even downloaded anything from them lol.
yes u have to wait for 3 days then 20gb will be added to ur account for downloading i m not support for oron but u have used oron in the past so
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