Oron Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Oron here.

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You could easily paint your earnings black, i dont care how much you earn, just want to see status and date of payment.
If you dont want to share, please stop arguing here, its looks like you point your finger at us saying "haha, you are not approved".

sure i could. and you could again say "its a fake, hell yeah A PHOTOSHOP professional"...

btw. i am not uploading i am fine with cashing on site sales with other uploaders work, so lots of time for me here :-)
sorry, but you are really boring...:facepalm:

A lot of people say give as some printscreen or via teamviewer like a proof,
you constantly pushing something around in a circle...:facepalm:

Good night for all good peoples!!!|-)
I'm done, even if they do come back, no PayPal option is a deal breaker. Only uploaded 100 GB or so and I was making a nice profit, but time to go elsewhere now.
Well then .... congrats!

But what about the 99% of the uploaders who does not have access to their stats or anything?
Do you suggest people continue uploading and wait until .... Christmas before they know if their hard work was worth anything at all?

No, right?

Attn: 99% of uploaders + new uploaders:
Stop using Oron - do not use Oron.

Oron can NOT be trusted!
Using alterpay. Well @Gerner2010 if you´re account is not approved yet and no payment recieved i suggest not working until things changed for you. What else to say.

I have pending(not approved) $240, before ORON closed. Don't what will happen
nothing closed. They are changing, thats all. I know its frustrating just sitting and waiting but you need to know that there is lots of work for them right now and they can´t review thousands of account during a few days.
I think Oron are trying to overcome the problems and that it will take a little while before they are back in full scale. I asked for money on Sunday 22 January and they were on my Paypal account late on Monday evening the 23rd. If Oron does not have the intention to come back so there was absolutely no reason for Oron to pay the compensation to me on 23 January. At the time of payment had Oron for many hours already started the change and that is still ongoing. My understanding is that they really have the intention to resolve the matter and to come back as before, but it will take some time because there are many problems for them to solve.
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