Oron Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Oron here.

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I sent a message to Oron

we have waited too long?, you have to pay? , or you will be closed and not paid,

Oron replies

Dear Oron member,

An email has been dispatched to you earlier explaining everything in details.
At this point you simply will going to have to wait until we perform our annual account review.
You will be notified in case your account is approved.
If you are a newly registered member requesting an extended option pack please contact our support agents in a few days.

Thank you
Kind regards,
Oron.com - Support

I also got this same reply :(
That Nautilus seems real son of a b**ch to me. But anyway i think if oron wants they can find a way to pay our money. Ie: Alertpay or similar sites. Or am i wrong?
alertpay also can ban like paypal then ur only choices can be web money as its in russia bz even alertpay is in canada and US has quite good authority over them so they be bound to freeze oron anytime .
5k files blocked .. will take me 1 day to edin all files in my oron account :) they can do that, why we have to do that ? before 2 days they edited.... and files open good for me :)
I requested $240 before Oron closed, it was Pending at that time. I do not know whether they will give back money, if oron accept affiliate again.
My hopes are very less, almost I lost this money, I think.
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