- Video/MP3/Image/File - Up to 40$/10k - Unlimited Speed - No Premium Acc

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Hi Marcel,
can you make option users to choose how many files per page to see?
Now is 20 files per page, but I have a big monitor and I want to see 50 files per page.

Also why the searching is only for the same folder?
Here's an example:
1. Root Folder:
1a. Folder A
1aa. - Folder AA
1ab. - Folder AB
1b. Folder B
1c. Folder C

If you are in Root folder witch is empty and type "File" in search field your site returns 0 results.
If you are in Folder A and and type "File" in search field your site returns 0 results because the files are in subfolders AA and AB
If you are in Folder B and and type "File" in search field your site returns 1 result: File-4 because only File-4 is located in this folder.
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I export a list of videos with the embed button (love it btw!), and I get this in the list of links when doing HTML/with text
"Cant be shown at this time(conversion/thumbnails currently missing)"

Obviously this isn't a problem with the embed button, but rather the videos never made thumbnails. Is there a way for force it to regenerate those thumbnails? Need a button of some sorts that scans that folder (or all folders) to find missing thumbnails and generate them.

Any updates with this or workarounds possible?

Can you add some of this features :
- multiple subtitle support
- rename multiple files once (for example I select 10 files from x folder and when I press rename it will open in a text editor and then rename the files from that window)
- also to see the resolution somehow a media info option when I right click on the video or after Content Type to put Video Resolution.
Thank you First Payment Marcel.More country added please.Multiupload options i wait.First payment is very fast.Good work good long life.Have a nice day.
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