- Video/MP3/Image/File - Up to 40$/10k - Unlimited Speed - No Premium Acc

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i have a problem !!!

hello to you MARCEL I have a problem it's been 3 weeks since I post videos on openload I was no visit I find it bizare can you watch if France is not Bloke thank you


hello to you MARCEL I have a problem it's been 3 weeks since I post videos on openload I was no visit I find it bizare can you watch if France is not Bloke thank you


We have also france traffic thats working.
Can you send me example via PM?

I can not sent you a private message I ateint limit here is my money in three weeks Statistics ($ 0.00780) is really not a lot knowing I regularly puts a lot of movie videos


Same problem again

I have disable auto conversion, but sometime it still convert the uploaded file!!!

fucking bug or...???
please answer my questions

590mb + conversion = 191mb - very Bad Quality
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Fast & in-time payment.

However, I got some suggestions related to your video player and embedding videos:
  • Also offer a image preview file on the video page - which is NOT part of the player (some sites prefetch these as video snapshot)
    -> This would ultimately lead to more clicks and plays - as users would see what is being offered to them
  • Offer file-based aspect ratios as not all videos are in same aspect ratio like your player layout (16:9)
    -> This would be a nice benefit for users uploading portrait videos filmed with smartphones
  • Optimize the video controls to be better accisble on different screen sizes
    -> It's a bit of pain to play videos on a smartphone OR on large screens

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