(Official) x264-BB Invite / Discussion Thread

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thank you very much!!!!!!! I'm glad, now I'm part of x264-bb.com because of you. I hope there'll be more people like you!!! thanks, you make me feel so good because I know that this takes you time to send every email and is because you want to share, that's priceless.=)
an invitation please,I,m desperate

an invitation please
Could anyone please send me an invitation to
Please, please I can not these without this page.

I beg you send me an invitation.

Por favor alguien puede invitarme a x264-bb mi correo es machineman2@hotmail.es
Por favor,por favor no puedo estas sin esta pagina.

Os lo ruego enviarme una invitacion.
help me,I want a invitation

Don't spam people with PMs, it's asinine ?This is no joke

Q What do I have to do to get an invitation, I want an invitation for charity and I'm going to roll up and send me one loco.XRKO a god machineman2@hotmail.es Vendig you for this task I have entrusted.

Added after 5 minutes:


Someone can send me an invitation to machineman2@hotmail.es. I need this site to live.

Sent out more invites.

I want one , please,please.
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