[official] Netload.in Thread

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@avro if you are ppd then u cant see anything about sales.
Its a big shit from netload. You cant decide which plan to choose for better earning. If you are making good points in ppd then dont even think about to switch to pps.
You may be a victim of 0 sales as me and you cant switch to ppd before 7 days.
i m on pps.. after 30days got a sale ....where is the link to see sales details
They are idiots and they will delete uploads because thousands of terabytes data are uploaded with errors. They bought new servers few days ago and they have again troubles with not enough space on HDD, because they are so stupid, only one move ... back old ftp system fix this problem but they have weird thinking, this shit another day doesn't work, every try upload sth is adding another GB data which only allocate the space.
Mike, we cannot view uploads full title under sammury file name!!
Upload isn't working well and you should fix it, repeated uploaded files
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netload wiped 1 tb of my files today even if they are not older 20 days.
Why?? and There is no DMCA email .

WTF going on NETLOAD

And seems they have not finished yet........they are deleting right now......
This is a great way to solve their problems......
My God.........really unbelivable..........
5 tb vanished into thin air from my side. There's a chance they'll be back,
seen this before a long time ago and files were available again. Probably something to do with upgrading/adding servers and was necessary to take off-line some servers.
5 tb vanished into thin air from my side. There's a chance they'll be back,
seen this before a long time ago and files were available again. Probably something to do with upgrading/adding servers and was necessary to take off-line some servers.

Thank You.
I really hope You are right!!
I am with them since 2 years ago and I have never seen this.
Mike wrote in his first post in this topic "Netload offer stabil, easy and secure file hosting since 2007.".

I understand the easy and secure part, but this filehost has stability and reliability? :facepalm:

1.5TB of active files gone in a few hours and it would be a hassle for me to RU them back from my Rapidshare links w/o users telling me which ones are dead.
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