[official] Netload.in Thread

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500 kb/s lol It's impossible even with premium acc !
no one wants to use it, because they are so f.....g slow!
everyone wants mirror, because download anything from netload is mission impossible
Absolutly agree with kaliber787, without any doubt they are serius company, ALWAYS pay me and ask a lot of payments, we have only to hope that they buy soon more stable and performing servers...
500 kb/s lol It's impossible even with premium acc !
no one wants to use it, because they are so f.....g slow!
everyone wants mirror, because download anything from netload is mission impossible

I dont have any issue downloading as a premium user and I'm pretty sure most users dont since I haven't seen any complaints about speed from premium users.
I've got it and from 3 days speed for me is 300kb/s max, so don't lie !
Free users can't download anything, because they've got lower than 40kb/s !
edit now premium user 100 kb/s it's joke ! it's f.....g joke !

where is ur server located ? mine is located in de..

btw for best download and upload purchase a dedi in their DC link11 :P i have used link11 very stable and awesome speeds but after two months i was not able to pay for the 3rd month :(
Yesterday I got 1 sale with the earning of $5.9 while I'm on plan 2. The lowest should be $4.49 for 2 days premium, and $11.24 for 1 month premium.

Anyone has the same problem???
anyone can help me answe this !! if you know
1 .. where i can see stats sale and Show file name page
2.. do they still pay via paypal ?? where i can add my payment !! i didn't see it
3 ..thanks !!!!
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