[official] Netload.in Thread

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also ur site needs editing on download page it says 16mbps for premium where as on some parts ur site says 100mbps i know it is 100mbps please edit ur site..

btw have u swear to not reply my mails ?
@ Sangyzan
What do you exactly mean :o) ?

@ Ladybbird1
Please send me an email to mike@netload.in I have disabled pm here.

@ BladeMaster666
when did you send me the mail? I can't find one. But I unlocked your account now.

@ Dj.IcE
What error did you get?

@ SiMmER
We are still working on the compensation! Sorry that it needs that long but we don't forget you!

@ son_rihtim
Thank you so much for your kind words!

@ SiMmER
Thank you for the notice. We will fix this. But I can't find an email from you. Can you please resend? And please tell me the mail subject.
Sir i have pmed u ,,, i dont know why my plan is not converting to 100 $$ for 20000 points :(

i have like 40000+ points but still 25 $$ and i get daily 3000+ Downloads plz check mail and respond thanks sir
armt, pack mp3 files as rar and share .
I have several .mp4 files rared and its blacklisted.

they should blacklist files less than 100 Mb.
files over 100 Mb are porn files or movies.

for that reason I can not work with this file host because I share MP4 files, porn, not music or movies
Hi Mike,
Please set limit download for free is 100Kbps.
And how do the blacklist work? it depend on file extension or what?
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