[official] Netload.in Thread

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User ceycey said he had got 4 sales. I believe him because I know what he posts and how much posting he does. If he says he got 4 sales, he probably really got a lot more but only 4 that counted.
Well i had a friend purchase a 2 day acct through one of my links earlier today. And the sales count for the day is 0 and the day is now over on Netloadin server time. As I thought sales are definitely not being counted.
I know and use Netload since YEARS.
Believe me. Trust them. They are simply working on their new software platform. Maybe something is not still correct, it happens in the past too. But they HAVE ALWAYS honored their promises and respected users.
Give them just some time to set properly their new software.
And think about that their are the ONLY host service that keeped affiliated plans after the "MU Affair".
A Company that works on this marked for YEARS....who cares? why they should have to scam someone?

You'll see.
All hosts were honest until they became dishonest. Having years of service doesn't mean they won't become corrupt. If netloadin is in fact having software or other issues they could simply say so and people would understand that. Just like ul.to has issues with payment with paypal...they openly said this so it's not a problem because they're giving disclosure. netloadin has said nothing other than sales are being counted then ignore every other comment regarding sales not being counted properly.
Hello again :o)

I'm super sorry that I can't give you during the last days the response time I gave the week before but as I already posted I was out of the office and than I had a lot of work to catch up and than I had to work on a lot of performance problems (you might notice that by FTP, filemanager and login problems) but i'm finally done with that and hope to give you now better response time!

@ tofuwizard
Our plan was to finish the RU upload by last weekend but there were some new problems so we have an delay. But we are pretty sure that we can bring it online tomorrow!

@ Wadibahi
we will bring custom free user file size limit tomorrow or on Friday! Alertpay ansd Webmoney is already online!

@ gamersoul
You can find your referral link on http://netload.in/index.php?id=37

@ Deadlysting
The 500 GB limit only means that we are deleting inactive files (30 days without any download) if you exceed more than 500 GB. So you can store more than 500 GB no problem.

@ patchrapa
We are online since 2007. That doesn't look like temporary spam or :o)

@ ceycey
ALL old referrals will also be counted!

@ Chong83
Can you send me please this bug of the premium page with your current browser to mike@netload.in ?

@ system90
We are working on improving free user DL speed but at the moment we have to privilege premium DL speed and therefore the free user speed is slow. too slow :o( We already testing new hardware to solve this problem.

@ haseeb
Yes 12USD fix for any account so also for 2 day account.

@ Kavei
I will investigate this problem and will inform you when it's fixed.

@ Magz
Welcome back :o)

@ madmadman
the multi option will be removed shortly but we will improve FTP and Remote upload.

@ Uribelo
I hope that we won't have such further problems any more.

@ merlingo
Spanish is now available. Can you please check?! Neteller doesn’t have enough requests right now sorry.

@ bouabdellah
Do you have java script enable?

@ ceycey
Thank you for confirming!

@ fhernnando
PPD counts every file larger than 100MB

@ foster100
what do you mean with paypal email?

@ pm1
we will bring an update of the filemanager which support rename!

@ xTreme
You can just register a free account and after activating the bonus program you can switch to PPS

@ zoug100
no there is no download limit for premium users!!!

@ Kavei
puh, we never get a bug report of that before but thank you for the report we will fix that asap!

@ antimateria
The referral system give you a share of the revenue of your referrals so we decided to show you only your active referrals that you can better check that. the PPS users doesn't have really to do with the referrals revenue.

@ Jose87
Than you for your suggestions! I will discuss this with my colleagues.

@ hoot009
By web or remote upload.

@ StillCyco
Please send me his and yours user id to mike@netload.in and I will check this.

@ Sonic
You don't have to choose Plan3 there are also some other options. But Plan3 can be very interesting for users they use netload for a long time. Free user speed is currently too bad and we will fix that but it needs time :o(

@ charles
Well we loved to be prepared before anybody is using our service but that is not how it works. We have to go public that we can get the necessary response and suggestions. The only problem is that we can't really limit the new users so there can be some temporary load problems. But if there are any critical problems we always try to fix them immediately.
-You can put your paypal ID on the payout page
- at the moment you need premium for FTP
- Normally it's good but sometimes it's hard to balance the load
- after 50 USD you can request a payout which needs normally 10 days
- remote upload will be improved!
- we are adding new servers every week so normally we can handle the load
- we will redesign filesmanager
- we are just waiting that ZOOM will bring the update. We can't do there anything.
- Do you still find some parts in bad English?
- We try to make all improvements as fast as we can!

@ Datastorm
Thank you for your help!

@ kaliber787 & adansard & ceycey & wadibahi & Deadlysting & iTwins
We are working on the HDD Crash problem but it's a massive change and we have to make massive changes in our infrastructure for that :o( But please believe me that this has a very high priority at the moment and we hope to solve this soon!

@ Dj.IcE
Yes. But if you use more than 500 GB we delete files with no downloads in 30 days.

@ Fack0rli
Can you send me please your user id to mike@netload.in and I will check that!

@ Maverick
Yes lifetime accounts have their advantage but how could we sell our service for one fee if we have monthly costs to running the site? We can't offer a lifetime account this is won't be a serious calculation! I think hosts are offering lifetime because they think that they will close during this period!

@ Sonic
We do offer alertpay now!

@ charles
there are some users they only need premium once for some files but I think the same the 1 month account has the much better value! FTP is only available for premium users the moment. But we will change that.

@ mateuriko
i'm sorry but we can't offer 50% :o(

@ sycokiller & Rockstar & Fack0rli & akibaba & SiMmER & azbox
Can you send me please your user ID to mike@netload.in and i will check the details why there are no sales in your account!

@ madmadman
Can you send me please the user ID of your friend? I want to check this!

@ jose87
We had a happy hour during the night which give a very good free user DL speed we disabled this happy hour now. I hope you can also see more sales!

@ charles
I’m not sure if you have noticed the PPD counting but on 9th and 10th but as soon as we fixed it we gave every user a compensation. If we also have a bug at PPS we will also give every effected user a compensation! So don't worry to much about that.
We did several tests before launching PPS and we also see a lot of accounts which earn with PPS (you can also see some proofs here) and we try to find the big if there exists one.

@ iTwins
we don't had PPS program before so there was only a PPD program. We send the money to the paypal address you gave us even if it doesn't exist than paypal tell us that they will send a mail to the user to open an account.

@ bugmebug
Remote upload will be improved soon!

@ jojo_cat & Eli0t & tofuwizard
Do you still have this problem that you can only copy one file?

@ kennt
At the moment not. But I will discuss this.

@ Uribelo
Yes that's also what I think and therefore I want to check this at everybody who's complaining.

@ Kaliber & AtaruZ
Thank you for your kind words ! We really try to give a serious service. I know that there are still a lot of updates need to done but we are working extremely hard to make this done asap!

@ hoot009
We will open FTP for free users soon!

@ Netwolf_
I'm from Netload.

@ adrunkenmess
no there is a 30 day cookie like on the referral site. You can check your cookie status on http://netload.in/cookietest.php (at the affiliate hash line)

@ Direct Soft
The address at payout request don't have to be the same than in paypal. Please send me your user ID to mike@netload.in and i will check your payout.
I got reply about counting sales:

Hello YXZ,

if he already belongs to another user (referrer) than the referrer get the bonus. Because otherwise we won’t

be able to count rebills.


You can sell premium accounts but if user is registered under someone THIS user will be get bonus for sale...
Do I understand it ?
Thank you for your answer Mike is a relief, I have requested payment yesterday and the day 13 and day, maybe order one today or tomorrow so I guess I should wait the 10 business days for payment;)
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