[official] Netload.in Thread

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The last stats are of 11.02.12 and it seems 12.02.12 has not come to netload server!

i heard that they might update stats 1 day later.
do you actually have proper stats for 11.02.12?

i mean ,they count sales and money properly or not?

and that 2 day premium plan is stupid, who will buy this stupid premium plan?

and if someone is stupid enough to buy 2 day premium and if i am on plan 1 fixed $12, i will get the $12,then netload will become more stupid:facepalm:

zoom uploader updates,can uload, but still fails to get links

do i really need to pay premium to use ftp? if yes, why they don't state it clearly

i think they need to hire more professional support team
how are download speeds for free users? i tested it today and they seemed terrible. less than 10kbps. I at least expect 200kbps for free users, if this can't do that then its pointless to upload. Many are not buying premium accounts and more free downloads is good for uploaders.

Code: ER_AJH_021220122106

We occurred an unexpected error. This Error has been forwarded to an administrator, please contact the support if the error persists.

And Upload Failed!!! FIX please!
I confirm the seriousness of the situation. Many files in HDDCrash, many others disappeared from netfolders, and finally, the difficulty to access the page that generates the links. I can understand that the closure of other hosting services have displaced Netload, which has faced a request more than expected, but it is also true that the time to adjust to this unexpected situation, and especially the gain that this shift towards user has Netload involved, have been sufficient to push the team Netload to solve these problems in the shortest possible time.

HDD Crash is very very bad for uploader & backup holder :facepalm:
They have HDD Crash problem from a long time
a year ago my frnd tell me about the netload HDD Crash & still they same problem

PLz plz Netload solve this problem
Code: ER_AJH_021220122202

We occurred an unexpected error. This Error has been forwarded to an administrator, please contact the support if the error persists.
HDD Crash is very very bad for uploader & backup holder :facepalm:
They have HDD Crash problem from a long time
a year ago my frnd tell me about the netload HDD Crash & still they same problem

PLz plz Netload solve this problem
They have crashes all the time back then, I still remember but most of the time the files are uploaded for sometime before it crash (at least for me). Now files are uploaded less than 2 weeks and they disappeared quietly. Worse still is that they didn't even attempt to sent a notification to us about those affected files too. No point advertising PPS system, promsing new file manager and everything else when the core problem of Netload is that uploaded files are still prone to HDD crashes frequently. :(
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currently netfolders not work.
"Code: ER_AJH_021220122348

We occurred an unexpected error. This Error has been forwarded to an administrator, please contact the support if the error persists."

we cant get links from link folders.
OMG ... i get this

Code: ER_AJH_021320120434
We occurred an unexpected error. This Error has been forwarded to an administrator, please contact the support if the error persists.
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