[official] Netload.in Thread

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Active Member
Dear WJunction Users,

Netload offer stabil, easy and secure file hosting since 2007.

If you have any questions about our services than please feel free to ask us here or by mail mike@netload.in

Best Regards,
Netload Staff
@ maloxi
I already get some support emails about the zoom upload problem. We are already working on this problem. I can't say how long it needs but I expect that it will work in at least 2 days.

@ masterbator
No, the premium users do really have UNLIMITED Traffic they have no faire use limit. The only thing we have is some blocks to detecting account sharing (e.g. multi logins, and spam usage)

@ Ladyk,
Yes if you upload a rar file with encrypted file names you have to give us the rar password that we can scan the file

@ Myown
no Problem, please send me your user ID my mail mike@netload.in and I will take a look if i can set you up to 100.

@ Computerbuddy
Thank you! I wish you a great Sunday.

@ Teletek
we have just registered us at Alertpay and waiting on the account set up. I think it will be ready next weekend! But we will also add paysafecard, uKash and mywirecard payout. And we are also working on amazon and itunes payout.

@ simoestcool
Thank you for your kind words!

@ shufol & hosmY & EngSniper
Hello, I wish you a sunny Sunday ;-)

@ likeop
Please send me your user ID to mike@netload.in and I will check if I can change your rank.

@ ernestger
We have remote upload. But It's currently not very comfortable but we are working on that! If you want to download from a remote host at the moment you have to put your host-username and host-password before the host URL. e.G. http://host.com/file123.zip
your host user: ernestget
your host pass: p40tect
than you have to write: http://ernestget:p40tect@host.com/file123.zip in the remote upload box. Please test it. It it don't works just send me an mail to mike@netload.in and I will give you further assistance.

to all: We have 2 GB file size limit on BETA mode. So you can upload already 2 GB Files! Just try it!

Best regards,
@ maloxi
Yes if you upload a rar file with encrypted file names you have to give us the rar password that we can scan the file
It's a joke, right ? :blink: So we are free to upload what we want but you'll scan all our files ? It's the worst rule that I've ever seen :facepalm::facepalm: So if for example I upload some personal videos or documents you're able to see who I am, what I do....where's the privacy ? :facepalm::facepalm:
Netload isn't a good hoster... they give everytime the IP's of the uploaded files if they get a DMCA... a lot of times happened this... and that isn't a joke!
the rate will be fixed from the admin and it isn't correctly with the sales... so if you sell 25 accounts a day and the admin don't wanna that you have a better rate nothing will happen... big shame for netload...
and the third point, if you request the payout in euros you will get paid in $... don't ask me why... but wtf??
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