Download for free is not 200kb/s .....I have 80 kb/s can you fix this?
Can you provide us via PM with a screenshot? We've been working with reCaptcha for a long time without any problems before.probleme captcha !!
We need to make some reaserch which countries should go up and which go down. I guess after first month we will be able to increase payouts.C & D groups prices should be increased they are very low..![]()
How can it make any risk? We can replace it with our internal user_id if you think it is betterthere are still some premiums to give away?
edit: i have another question: it's not a risk to put the username on the referral link? it's not better a random number?
If we encounter a valuable traffic from this country they will be automatically moved up to group CHi, welcome to Wj,
Please, add mexico and chile to group c
Premium accounts does not have limits. Free users can reach some restrictions starting from 50GB if most of the uploaded files are inactive.hello I have the premium test?
my account is "bem92upload"
users free storage space and premium member?
As of paypal: we have 3 verified accounts, 1 company account and two backup-personal ones + we are checking other payout options as webmoney to make it safe.Hello, do you have some kind of "back up plans" as if paypal block your accunt (the thats happening to almost all filehosts)... and have the funds to pay your affiliates (even if you have thousands of them, like big filehosts) and also mantain your speeds, without every week have to "add more servers, because your server is overloaded".....
Please answer that....
As of now we are not planning to remove anything. Later on it will be around 90 days of inactivity.When are files deleted for free and premium user?