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and they f****** up again. Last week (?) the email with "we raise up to 50 € PPD" and today i noticed they stopped PPD-program with no notification :facepalm:

Seems Oboom gave up once again on PPD.
Today i noticed my account is set without prior information to PPS with no possibility of setting back the MIXED plan i was used to have.
Another time showing off their shadiness.


i already wrote about no PPD or MIXED plans as well as my last payment is pending since 11 days.
thinking they are on the run again :thumbdown:
Deniz C. sells Uploaded to Valetin F. Deniz C. still builds backdoor in UL-Script before he sells. After sell of UL Deniz takes Uploaded Script and makes something different design and makes, via Backdoor in UL, mails are sent to UL-Uploader it Cloudzer .net. Deniz closed after paar months and makes few weeks later
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Good i wasnt that naive after they fucked it up once, not paying my collected €'s to trust them one more time.
Now i am waiting again since 04.04.2017 for an payment (for my old files which are still online) and i am almost 100% sure they do it again running with affiliates money.

Cheaters remain cheaters.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]I still got paid with Bitcoin, but took them more than a month to process it despite me earning for them a shit ton of cash due to sales. Anyways I have stopped doing business & deleted all my files with them, but I still have a pending payout of about 70+ Euro.[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]If I get paid again I might reconsider doing business with them.[/FONT]
Just checked my bitcoin account & got a pleasant surprise when I saw the 70+ Eu payment they sent. This is despite the fact that it's been a couple of months since I've deleted all my files from them. I never thought they'd still be paying me, but they just did. They still owe me an additional 40+ Eu though, which I will be requesting later.

There's still hope for for them after all.
my crystal ball says "Deniz will fool you again in 3 month"
I'm not sure about that, brah. They could've just run off with my money like so many other scam hosts, but they still chose to pay what they owe me instead. Like what I've said, this is despite the fact that I'm no longer working with them for several months because I have deleted all my files with them.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]I still got paid with Bitcoin, but took them more than a month to process it despite me earning for them a shit ton of cash due to sales. Anyways I have stopped doing business & deleted all my files with them, but I still have a pending payout of about 70+ Euro.[/FONT]

same here.
They just paid me last week the remainder of what they owed me, which was about 40+ Eu. Again, this is despite me deleting all of my files & not working with them for almost half a year. I think Oboom likes me LOL. I may probably do business with them again in the future. Probably.
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