OBOOM.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to OBOOM here.

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i dont think they will pay us

their support is DEAD, no reply on ticket/email for 2 weeks & they do not fix bugs!

Well you can expect much right now since they are being spammed with tickets regarding payment issues.

Added after 4 minutes:

Robert King = son of a bitch

abusing him only gives him additional publicity
better you ignore him
its also interesting to note that there is no evidence proving King's involvement in the merchant account termination
his blog only has some few screenshots and some tall claims regarding his achievements
if you notice carefully his client base consists largely of amateur content producers
no professional production studio will ever outsource its anti piracy efforts to SFL because of their shady and unscrupulous operation tactics
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Unfortunately, there are people stayed were born as sons of bitches.
Robert King is one of them. But I think such people can not be offended.
He can because yes nothing for ....
I am thinking about switching..damn it, payment is one thing, we can wait, but the more serious thing is , you can't get sales for almost 2 weeks.What do you guys think about uploadable.ch?Do you offer fast and reliable upload and download for uploaders?what credit card processor do uploadable.ch use? same as uploaded.net or ?will uploadable.ch face some issue like oboom??

Added after 5 minutes:

no credit card back, no pay,who cares? it looks like you are the only one who doesn't care...if they can't find a new credit card processor, do you think they have the NEW money to pay you???the most important thing for them is to find money...they need money urgently..more than you need...once they find a way to get money (that's to make sure people can buy premium accounts), they will have enough money to run the service and pay youand curse that fucking king if you are not stupid...I just hope oboom can find a way to use the credit card processor that uploaded.net is using..damn it, that's a reliable one.
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