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Now when i try to open oboom from my RDP i get this

from my PC and another RDP it works but from that IP i get forbidden . Also i cant log in in ftp since days. And now the ftp error is this

wtf ????
26 days for me
How is your sales this current week?is your payout big? I had 4 figures, still waiting.no wonder there are zero sales for 7 days, damn it, I thought it is impossible toowithout going to WJ, I did not even know they have problem with they payment gateway

Added after 26 minutes:

even if oboom has issue with CC, you can't favor the fucking reseller..you can just redirect the CC option to reseller..

Yh my payout is pretty big...

But I got 7 sales the last 7 days, it's less than before all this shit happens but yh I still got sales.

I still believe in Oboom, I think it's to early to let them down after all they made me win.

For example, with uploaded I was paid once every 4 weeks, and even after 6 weeks one time. So I don't freak out for now..
The point is...no communication.
Seb only made one statement since official topic is closed and now also PPD rates dropped 'temporally'
My question is for how long as i do not have daily sales atm and only PPD was still good be4 the change. little sales & -50% (for me) smaller PPD commission will make it hard to go on the same path
Other file host in such situation give you some information to let you decide to leave or to go on but not OB
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lol are you here to advertise AK's shitty blog which literally provides no proof of his involvement in the termination of oboom's merchant account?
all you can find in that blog are some screenshots along with some threats
he does not even have a proper client base and is using dubious and unscrupulous techniques to terminate merchant accounts
AK is using comments from users like you to advertise his project
he is a sucker for attention
ignore him meh...
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he does not even have a proper client base and is using dubious and unscrupulous techniques to terminate merchant accounts
that's true. this AK is doing something very shady to shut down merchant accounts.

Even if you have direct contact with VISA & MasterCard you can't order to close a merchant account so fast (2 or 3 days after targeting an file locker).

This is an long process first VISA or MasterCard should contact acquirer bank, etc.

It seems he's doing carding or involving the file hosting sites with kiddy porn, animal sex, etc.
Well I think sfl need not to worry with oboom.. If oboom continues without giving payment to it's uploaders, they will automatically shut down... 23 days waiting without payment... If this continue , who gonna work with oboom....
Die Antworten nicht mehr diese HURENSÖHNE!!!

Richtiger Pissschuppen!

Leute hört auf dort hoch zu laden, die verarschen euch!
Die wollen noch kurz eben Geld machen und dann Sind die weg.
Die wollten laut mail schon letzte Woche auszahlen. Bis heute ist nix passiert. Das wird auch so bleiben.

Lasst euch von den nicht verarschen und bleibt bei Uploaded!
Das juckt mich gerade überhaupt nicht, ob es ein Englisches Board ist oder nicht.
Oboom versteht anscheinend kein Englisch.
Sowas ist das allerletzte die Kunden so auszurotten und nicht zu zahlen!
Kann es so leider nicht auf Englisch übersetzen, aber da Oboom ja in der Schweiz sitzt und somit Deutsch spricht, müsstet ihr das ja verstehen.
Die Ausreden stinken bis zum Himmel! Hättet ein wenig kreativer sein müssen!

Ich nehme am Partnerprogramm teil und dann möchte ich auch mein Geld haben.

Peace out ich bin draußen ....
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