OBOOM.com Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to OBOOM here.

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If you delete your files are quite sure that you do not pay off.
You must cooperate with them.
I think that they will pay off almost of us ;)

If you stop the work is it understandable that you will not receive any money.
Not without reason, I am constantly paid ou.

Pls think about it!

I get answer from them two days ago.
technical problem

So talking no nonsense.
Oboom Support stfu!
No1 get pay out, not here, not in Germany!
Welll folks,

let me tell you some thing very clearly these kind of issues you guys made do u know why ?
bcoz you choose every single new filehosts for just part time,
As i know mostly uploaders coming here for fun and spamming they want to blame filehost management they always blame they are not giving sales this & that.
but in reality they are not able to get sales moreover if we talk about due payments yes they have also some issues with them they also face many kind of issues in them business thats why they do delay .
when i was thinking about filehost whenever i think about filehost business i think how ill handle in reality i m a rich but its too hard to work on filehost & its too hard to handle payments gateway tooo so kindly dont blame filehost support just see what u did and what you doing guys.
they give you money bcoz all of you work for them you are not going any where just infront of laptops and pc u work always .
I never say u are not doing hardwork all doing hardwork but be cool dont show your attitude your frustation over here..

I also hate scammers i also hate spammers & i also hate fake filehosts but i respect those who looks impressive and honest.

so kindly be happy and think before speak do u remember what filesonic did with those who was shouting ? i hope u all got my point .

Thank you

Best Regards TrueMaster
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lol. server is 2 months dead, but posts making from kids never die)))

and yes, someone receive payments, like owner from oboom, maybe some programers, they 100 % receive money, but you , uploader?? you never receive payment from oboom,
why? cause oboom is DEAD. and any cristmass miracle no comming, they dead, and they will be dead for ever, how long time somebady need for accept this?
They dead forever, and they never wake up,

they not first and they not last, you uploader, thats you job, you must accept this, and move forward, and start make money with other service..

paid pending:

05.10.2014 bank

Someone has been paid on that date or later?
lol. server is 2 months dead, but posts making from kids never die)))

and yes, someone receive payments, like owner from oboom, maybe some programers, they 100 % receive money, but you , uploader?? you never receive payment from oboom,
why? cause oboom is DEAD. and any cristmass miracle no comming, they dead, and they will be dead for ever, how long time somebady need for accept this?
They dead forever, and they never wake up,

they not first and they not last, you uploader, thats you job, you must accept this, and move forward, and start make money with other service..

paid pending:

05.10.2014 bank

Someone has been paid on that date or later?

You are very pessimistic, in theory had problems and could take about six months I have the order payment and stops rising for months because I knew of the problems but hopefully collect that money.
Prefer to have them and if it happens it looks that good with cloudzer similar step.
Guys delete all your files asap , i am waiting almost for 3 months and half , they dont respond to tickets .
Delete all files , dont expect to be paid , because their are dead , they only want to earn some quick money and dissapear .
Guys delete all your files asap , i am waiting almost for 3 months and half , they dont respond to tickets .
Delete all files , dont expect to be paid , because their are dead , they only want to earn some quick money and dissapear .

I don't think deleting file will be a good move. What if they decided to pay after getting their CC back and questioned us about where are our files or something like that.
I recommend not to upload and leave the account like that. If they started paying, we can upload on it or leave it after getting money.
I have abandoned OBOOM and never uploaded anything on it from last 2 months.
Guys delete all your files asap , i am waiting almost for 3 months and half , they dont respond to tickets .
Delete all files , dont expect to be paid , because their are dead , they only want to earn some quick money and dissapear .

I don't think deleting file will be a good move. What if they decided to pay after getting their CC back and questioned us about where are our files or something like that.
I recommend not to upload and leave the account like that. If they started paying, we can upload on it or leave it after getting money.
I have abandoned OBOOM and never uploaded anything on it from last 2 months.
Why would they question me for my files. They didn't pay for months so i deleted all my files ~10 TB If they pay all i have in my acc i will start working with them again.
What Mitschey is saying is bullshit ! They are dead but even if they are not and they pay they have to pay to all of us ! For whatever reason i stopped uploading the money in my acc are still mine and i still worked for them and if they don't pay they are scamming !
I don't think deleting file will be a good move. What if they decided to pay after getting their CC back and questioned us about where are our files or something like that.
I recommend not to upload and leave the account like that. If they started paying, we can upload on it or leave it after getting money.
I have abandoned OBOOM and never uploaded anything on it from last 2 months.

Come on! It's not 2012! They knew what is the risk! If they fucked up by the adultking so they are kids! They didn't listened what users said and still not listening so they not deserve to trust! For me they are scammers if they not paid for everyone since 4 month! I don't need explanations from them! I hope they end like extabit or luckyshare - great hosters at the beginning.
Guys delete all your files asap , i am waiting almost for 3 months and half , they dont respond to tickets .
Delete all files , dont expect to be paid , because their are dead , they only want to earn some quick money and dissapear .

I don't think deleting file will be a good move. What if they decided to pay after getting their CC back and questioned us about where are our files or something like that.
I recommend not to upload and leave the account like that. If they started paying, we can upload on it or leave it after getting money.
I have abandoned OBOOM and never uploaded anything on it from last 2 months.

It is the most sensible, I remove all my links Aunq I think most files were killed by inactivity, obviously not maintain links with other servers that deprive me of income in the other.
lol. server is 2 months dead, but posts making from kids never die)))

and yes, someone receive payments, like owner from oboom, maybe some programers, they 100 % receive money, but you , uploader?? you never receive payment from oboom,
why? cause oboom is DEAD. and any cristmass miracle no comming, they dead, and they will be dead for ever, how long time somebady need for accept this?
They dead forever, and they never wake up,

they not first and they not last, you uploader, thats you job, you must accept this, and move forward, and start make money with other service..

You are very pessimistic, in theory had problems and could take about six months I have the order payment and stops rising for months because I knew of the problems but hopefully collect that money.
Prefer to have them and if it happens it looks that good with cloudzer similar step.

Pessimistic? lol, im realistic !!!!!


they DEAD, they never back, and six months are like century, on this bussines. They 100000000 % dead, they only earn cause some guys have nice dreaming about payments )))))

They DEAD, all big uploaders know this, nobody with really traffic not use oboom anymore, only few guys hope for payments.

Im ready bet all my 4 digits amount on oboom, they never come back and we never see this money.

this is not first and 100 % not last server who die. Thats the same dreaming theory, like you say, "guys wait for netload.in" they come back ))))

if they not fix CC problems after couple weeks they are dead, ONE MILION % )))

and any big webmasters, forum owners, blog owners stop working with this crap service long time ago, they have not reason to back? for why? pay money for uploaders and nothing? any future? cause nobody who make money on internet, real money, never back to oboom, even they pay for what??? they find new services, they make money with new servers, and i dont thing, they are ready risk again with this crap.....
they are alive cuz they have paid some german owner (movie-blog, ddlw)
but, time goes by und if they got no payment. they will be kicked

and then RIP oboom :D
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