[NSFW] Review: JerkScout.com

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JerkScout is a porn tube with 100k+ adult videos crawled from the biggest porn tubes. The sites uses own created CMS to crawl videos and update the database daily. Browse porn videos by more then 100 categories, by a pornstar or just using the search option. The tube is completely free.

Looks like KVS to me and not "own created CMS".
That's 1 lie spotted in the first line.

Btw, thanks to the lie, I have notified the owner of fapster and he's kind of annoyed about you using their thumbs. But they will continue monitoring your site for a while.

and GG, since you are using fapster's embed codes, you are making them money by showing their vast ads on your site.
Looks like KVS to me and not "own created CMS".
That's 1 lie spotted in the first line.

Btw, thanks to the lie, I have notified the owner of fapster and he's kind of annoyed about you using their thumbs. But they will continue monitoring your site for a while.

and GG, since you are using fapster's embed codes, you are making them money by showing their vast ads on your site.
You seems to be a real envier for other's success. You can also notify the president of your country about this issue, I guess the shit you are talking about will be very interesting. I guess you are someone who never had success in his life, no woman, I guess you are a looser who is sitting near the window in the bus while I don't give a damn about your opinion while sitting in my new BMW X6M. Vitis my site and jerk a little bit, maybe this would make you a little bit satisfied in this life...
i wouldnt call a 5day old website "success"
Ah it's just a hobby, nothing serious, not my main intention, just was curious to parse all pornhub videos and launch such a website to see what adult traffic is and which cpm it generates. I think it will be not to compare with the CPM of movie and mp3 websites that have lower traffic but much more revenue with a small traffic.
Funny that a simple critic got you to become so defensive that you had to flex so hard to try to prove a point.
Don't bother asking for a review if you can't take any.

fapster is a friend, ofc I will tell him if someone is stealing his bandwidth.
Not that your website gets any traffic to make a difference.

If you are trying to become an aggregator you can at least save the thumbnails so your own disk so in future your site doesn't look like a broken ass.

But again, since you think I'm envious of your 5-day old "successful" site, I doubt you know anything about that. Our definition of success is different mate.

upon closer look, you seem to be using 123streamcms.bid
Now, even if you own 123streamcms.bid (one of the worst TLDs btw) and you developed that cms yourself, the screenshots on that homepage are nowhere near "success".
I have notified the owner of fapster and he's kind of annoyed about you using their thumbs. But they will continue monitoring your site for a while.
Why would they be annoyed when more backlinks the better ..?

They are not fapsters images either.
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