I'm not taking non-sense, your site is not good. I don't need to watch my videos as i know how to drive plenty of tier 1 traffic to my sites. Your comapny sucks based on my experience with you, i sent plenty of emails on the past and you replied none of them. "orr orr people need to watch 100% of your stream, we're a streaming company", i'm sad about the money you steal from that portion of traffic that you don't pay to people just because they didn't stream enough even though you still got paid because they got your annoying pop ups on the traffic that clicked through.
I sent some messages back then that went unanswered, so with no explanation whatsoever what i assume is that you stole my money, this was over 1 month or maybe 2 ago. By the details bellow i assume you can tell my username. And don't give me that crap "orr orr you give us fake traffic" all my traffic is 100% legit. I can show screencaps from the videohosts that i'm using right now, openload and videowood are among them.
I sent some messages back then that went unanswered, so with no explanation whatsoever what i assume is that you stole my money, this was over 1 month or maybe 2 ago. By the details bellow i assume you can tell my username. And don't give me that crap "orr orr you give us fake traffic" all my traffic is 100% legit. I can show screencaps from the videohosts that i'm using right now, openload and videowood are among them.

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