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beware of them they full of shit

i got a vps from them in 2days i got suspended saying i was using up 40 % cpu what a joke

i thought vps you was allowed example 1cpu to yourself of full usage

well i just got shared host with same files and lot of visits to my site and not been suspended at all so i bet they overselling and since i told them i got a shared and not been kicked offline they ignoring me

you get 4 cores but it doesnt state on there terms what usage you allowed
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they said i was using 40-50% cpu when i never had anything hosted even ram was showing full 1gb was used and they wouldnt look into it and just cut me off

so i guess the price they charge is what you get is oversold vps
Sounds completely abnormal. Did you raise a ticket and work it out with them? Have no comment on other hosts, but yes, seriously not right.
they said it kloxo problem that was causing it and when i said i never had this issue before he still blamed it on kloxo software

when i asked them to reformat and i use a different software to check if it was he ignored
Kloxo should be fine even on lower spec VPS. Unless it's a very heavy site that is or there is some configuration error. Either way, should be no problem.
just found this it look like they wont last anyway

Your alias is “Ben” yet you signed your name as “Kind Regards, Ben” ??
Does this confirm my original statement at is correct?
NodeDepoly = NixHost (previous deadpool host)
Also funny how Ben is the owner listed on file with Rapidswitch!
person: Bradley Hession
address: NodeDeploy
address: 17 Ludford Road
address: Bartley green
address: West Midlands
address: Birmingham
address: B32 3PG
address: UK
For those confused, Bradley Hession is the previous owner of Nixhost, a host that deadpool’d and went out of business years back.
There is a very high chance he is now back running Node Deploy. Buy with caution.
Sounds suspicious... should really only go with providers where you have a guaranteed CPU allocation. If they actually have any sense they would restrict your CPU usage automatically (even though in this case it sounds like you haven't even been using any CPU!)
Hi, I would like to point out several things.

1. The user was using 50% of 4 cores, meaning he was using 100% of two cores. Now, we do not have a problem with this however when he is doing it all day every day it starts to effect other users.

2. He states that when he was running nothing, it was showing full ram usuage
2(a) Overselling on OpenVZ will not cause this issue, it will just not allow him to allocate the full 1GB
2(b) This is a unmanaged service, any issues he has with scripts he is running is an issue he is required to solve himself.

3. The shared host will have not suspended you as they will have actually optimized their configuration so it does not eat all the processing power you have allocated.

4. The issue he was having was caused by a bad build of Kloxo, we did actually tell him this.

5. No tickets were ignored, if you post the ticket id here I will actually go through and take a look again just to verify.

We host forums with several hundred users online at a single time and none have experienced any issues. Out of our several hundred customers this is the first complaint I have seen.

You can view the registered company details here,

Phil, is the original owner of NodeDeploy, both Bradley and I were helping Phil run it, it was apparent that Phil could not run it on his own due to the scale so we decided that a partnership was probably best for all of us.

Also, as per this " when i asked them to reformat and i use a different software", all re installations can be managed from the panel link that is provided in the welcome email.

And finally, when you are paying $3.50 per month for a 1GB ram VPS, you can not expect to be able to 100% all four cores. We are a UK company so any tickets are answered Monday - Friday 9am - 11pm GMT, at the weekends the hours vary.

Any other questions fire away.
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