Other NewRapidLeech.com - RL, 10GB HDD, Unmetered BW, starting from $6/month (Netherland)

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error with Hotfile !!

Retrieving download page​
Error: The account isn't premium?.

When the fuck you gonna update as promised ???????????????????????????
is freakshare down? every time i upload some file, it show me a "fail to upload "message what going on, did anyone know it is because of their servers overloaded, or some other problem ? please help me out.
I guess tomorrow will you be resting and I fix things .. well leaving that aside, I wanted to mention to him because of the elimination of filepost leech and if you could get premiums of fooget.com, filevelocity.com d .. What do you think these two hosts? if anyone knows if you pay that you discuss it hehehe ...

Hello there is a problem
Oops, there's a problem...

Out of Stock

We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For furthur information, please contact us.

« Go back & try again​
Level 1 RL (0 Available)
10GB Diskspace

Unmetered Bandwidth

FTP Access

Free Subdomain Name

2GB Large File Support

Rar/unrar Support

Movie Thumbnail Generator Support
Come onn! Tell me?
Could you add depositfiles?
This month of using this RL is...almost useless. I even didn't earn to pay for next month... :facepalm:

Next 3000 post here! Hope it'll be lucky!
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did you get the 3 most important premium. :facepalm::facepalm:
Netload uploaded Mediafire!
For these premium contract with you.
Dear all clients,

It's useless for you to request those limited filehostings, I will never provide it.

Here's the list, just as I remember it.

  1. freakshare
  2. letitbit
  3. filepost
  4. shareflare
  5. hitfile
  6. bitshare
  7. turbobit
  8. uploaded.to
  9. oron
  10. those small filehostings
  11. etc. just read their FAQ



Update available.

New Upload Plugins added.
  1. 10upload.com
  2. hitfile.net
  3. share-online.biz
  4. shareflare.net
  5. shragle.com
  6. uploadc.com
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