NewEraCracker Server For Windows (Apache/Nginx/PHP/MariaDB) V3

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I am still using Apache 2.2, Apache 2.4 (at the moment 2.4.1) is not yet ready for production in windows systems.

V2.8.5.0 - 2012/03/12
  • MariaDB updated to version 5.3.5
  • Nginx updated to version 1.1.16
  • PHP: Suhosin extension improved. Some extensions rebuilt. Updated to latest version of 5.3.11-dev.
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I have quadcore i5 2500K
When i set in nginx config:
worker_processes 4;
worker_connections 16384;
worker_processes 2;
worker_connections 8192;

Server crash somehow, but i don't get crash log. Work with this sets few minutes after it crashing.

I'm only one with this issue ?
Ever going to make Linux CentOS version of this? I love it... but I don't want to ever buy a windows server :P

Windows is good for home usage. Linux is best for servers from what I've seen :'(

Nontheless that's a great script you're providing people (y)
Unfortunately I can't get any production ready extract n go package for Linux.
You will have to install the each software individually and configure it yourself.

V2.8.7.0 - 2012/03/16
  • Apache zlib1.dll rebuilt and updated to version 1.2.6
  • Nginx updated to version 1.1.17
  • OpenSSL updated to version 0.9.8u
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version
  • Suhosin been updated with few more fixes
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Mediafire link does not exist, downloads on Bayfire tends to stop with about 2mb downloaded (tried three times), mirrorcreator fails (even does not want to open) and there are no d/l links on meggaupper.

Please advise or re-up please
V2.8.8.2 - 2012/03/25
  • Memcached rebuilt from source
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version
  • PhpMyadmin updated to version 3.5.0-rc2
Is possible to include Munin (statistic plugin) for windows? W want to know how much bandwidth i use with nginx.

Or know someone another solution ? with graph/or text log ? for windows ? ...

-i use NEC for a litte CDN.
Is possible to include Munin (statistic plugin) for windows? W want to know how much bandwidth i use with nginx.

Or know someone another solution ? with graph/or text log ? for windows ? ...

-i use NEC for a litte CDN.

Hello, the package is provided as-is and there will be no more addictions. Also it looks like Munin is just for linux.

V2.8.9.0 - 2012/04/02
  • Nginx updated to version 1.1.18
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to version 5.3.12-dev
  • PHP 5.2 / 5.3 - Now using a custom made fileinfo extension because php group did break compatibility with older compiler. Also worked out php 5.2 compatibility.
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V2.8.9.3 - 2012/04/09
  • MariaDB updated to version 5.3.6
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version

V3.0.0.0 - 2012/04/10
  • Apache updated to version 2.4.2
  • PhpMyAdmin updated to version 3.5.0
  • Several changes and improvements in core

V3.0.0.1 - 2012/04/10
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Apache from loading if VC2008 redists weren't installed

V3.0.1.0 - 2012/04/13
  • Improved service handler in core
  • Updated Nginx to version 1.1.19
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version
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On 15 Oct 2011 you mentioned a DNS Server "And for windows, I only know a paid DNS server application (which I have cracked)"

Is this still available? I cant pm you.

V3.0.2.1 - 2012/04/21
  • Updated Apache latest 2.4.2 build with OpenSSL 0.9.8v
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version

V3.0.2.3 - 2012/04/23
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version

V3.0.2.4 - 2012/04/24
  • Nginx updated to version 1.2.0
  • OpenSSL updated to version 0.9.8w
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version
  • PhpMyAdmin updated to version 3.5.1-rc1

V3.0.2.8 - 2012/04/28
  • Updated Antiloris module for Apache 2.4

V3.0.3.2 - 2012/05/05
  • Apache zlib1.dll updated to version 1.2.7
  • MariaDB updated to version 5.3.7
  • PHP 5.2 - Updated some extensions
  • PHP 5.3 - Updated to latest dev version
  • PhpMyAdmin updated to version 3.5.1
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