New PPS Plan: - 60% of each Sale, 30% of following Orders

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who said we can't pay? We pay like always, is it really that hard to wait the 30 days which you accepted by joining ul?

Yep, it is completely hard to wait for that long (most affiliates have other charges/fees to pay) and you know this , any chance to decrease the 30days in the future ? and why did you delete some advertising material banners like (120x300) (160x300) ...
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If don´t want to make payments every week, the best thing to do is to make 2 payments per month. On 15th and on 30th of each month would be the best i think.

If they do that, the uploaders will be more satisfied with this filehost, and in consecuence, the final users will buy more premium accounts.

Finally, filehost and uploaders will win mutually
Hi man,

Alertpay, webmoney or other payment method ??

atm only that what you see on the website

We're gonna pay every 10 days like the old owners did before, the Board of Directors changed as of the 1st of April 2012 and the new owners have their own bank accounts whatsoever, it'll take 2-3 weeks until everything works flawlessly like it was 3-4 months ago.

By the way, did anyone receive his bank transfer requested prior the 10th of March 2012 today? I hope the new bank account won't cause any troubles because of the mass of payments.

For the guys that everytime repeat the same shit with payout days!

Check page 44 of this Thread!
Hui you tell us now that you request your money in 12 days.

But what should us your message telling?
jeje, sorry, requested payment by alertpay in march 29 and i dont recieve it. I know the paymen can takes 30 days, but come one, i never lose the hoppe about it can arrive faster ;)
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