^Why do you think he's uploaded those 67 TB in the last few months? He's been using netload.in for years and probably has files stored that has been uploaded for years as well. And there's a good chance that he's uploading large files that require dozens of rars so even with a speed increase, it still wouldn't slow down sales since users wouldn't want to wait hours between downloads when they have many parts to download.
you don't forget DMCA issue, man.
i can tell, he's uploading warez stuffs, which means dmca deletion would be very frequently, do you agree with this?
67TB, and also, with the new rules by netload, 30 days without a single download or click, your files are gone, even if you are premium users.
and of course, he has more than 500GB data.
and with the HDD Crash issue for years from netload, most files should be dead.
either deleted due to inactivity or dmca issue.
it's quite hard to believe 67TB is alive for years.
i can tell, uploading as a living is something what he does, no offense, this is just my guessing.
and when they find chances to earn the most, those people who take uploading as a living will use 12 + hours a day,and upload a lot of GB daily to get sales..
and you have to understand that netload is not the only popular host on the net, there are always a lot of competitors using other hosts.
and leeching sites like real-debrid sites are increasing.