NeembuuUploader : FOSS to upload files to various webhosts like mediafire, etc

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Active Member

Since past 1 month we have been getting a lot of requests to add support for filehosters
in our program NeembuuUploader.

NeembuuUploader is a java based free and open source software which allows user to upload
files to various filehosts like mediafire.

One of our users told me that the reason for increase in requests was because some
popular software turned out to be a phishing tool and he gave me a link to a wjunction thread on this topic.

When I came to wjunction and read what people discussed in that thread, I realized that
there were many people who got scammed.

Pardon me for my bluntness, but what I do not understand is,
why do people use such proprietary software, instead of using,
encouraging and contributing to free and open source software?
Probably because we didn't do much advertisement,
or maybe because we support less than 1/5th the
number of hosters other programs support.

Please help us in improving NeembuuUploader instead of getting scammed.
Suggestions, remarks, tips, criticism would be highly appreciated.

Below is a list of a some of the filehosts that we support :

Our website link is : Neembuu Uploader

Thanks for reading
Shashank Tulsyan
NeembuuUploader Project Admin
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We will do that soon.
Also we will try to (and it is not difficult, just requires a little time) separate NeembuuUploader core and plugins.
Plugins would be downloadable separately. This would allow us to deliver new plugins the very moment it is implemented.
This would also make it easier for our users to help us in adding plugins.
@mahdigh: Sorry for this but it's normal. It's a little alert for Neembuu Now, a new project of the Neembuu team. You can get more information here. This is a little description:
Watch and download files from direct links and youtube links. When user forwards the video, the download point also shifts. The previous buffer is not deleted. You can play the video on any video player. Any file format is supported.
Do not confuse this with ytd (youtube downloader)
it does not only let you download videos, it also lets you play the video as you are watching it. If you forward the video to a point where no buffer exists, a new connection is created and also the old data is NOT deleted.
Neembuu Uploader v2.9.4

  • New hosts!:
    • (with and without account).
    • (with, without account and premium support).
    • (with, without account and premium support).
    • (with and without account).
    • Re added (with, without account and premium support).
    • (with, without account and premium support).
    • (with and without account).
    • (with and without account).
    • (with and without account).
  • Fixed:
    • ArabLoads: fix (from .com to .net)
    • SecureUpload: fix login and upload.
    • Fixed login
    • RapidGator: fix UI (from .com to .net)
  • Disabled Dead/Down Hosts:
    • Remove/Disable host
    • Remove/Disable host

Download :
Downloads - Neembuu Uploader
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add and need a option for remove/add filename after generated links.
Improve Windows box, some files show 0 bytes after making rar files.
Filehost stack name like zoom:
rapidgator: Part1
rapidgator: Part2 part1 part2
not like this(which is currently show)
rapidgator: Part1 Part1
rapidgator: Part2 Part2

Retry process failed.
forgive for weak English...
Please refer to Translations - neembuuuploader

basically there is a folder named translation in neembuuploader.
The english translation is in a file name

just replace the english words with Arabic words and send me that file.

The format of the file is
String_name = String_value

Do not touch the String_name. That is the string which appears before the equal to ( = ) sign.
After the equal to ( = ) you will find some simple easy to understand english words. Just replace these words with Arabic text and save the file and send it to us.
Indeed, I was hoping for more changes in the new release other then hosts added/fixed. Retry upload doesn't work, host column in the queue still shows username/host name so if a file fails to upload you have to stretch the column to see on which host it failed because username takes the default space for it and it is not really needed there at all.
I have same problems, reupload not work, and I can't not upload more than 2 files at the same time.
Host: FireDrive
Buffer: 8192KB
Please add OBoom | HugeFiles | Terafile | Uploadable .

Added after 14 Hours 2 minutes:

How i can install version 2.9.4 ?

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@mahdigh: please refer to this ticket.
@thesting: please refer to this and this tickets.
@Emilie: please refer to this ticket.
@supick: do you set the max number of uploads?
@WJ4Ever: please refer to this, hugefiles is supported (from 2.9.2), this and this. If you have problems to execute the jar file, check our faq, or simply install the exe version.

Thanks for reporting these problems and for suggestions. Remember that Neembuu Uploader wants to fit the users need.
We are working hard to add these features and to fix these problems. Unfortunately we can not work full time on this project. We will try to carve out time for it.
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I have recently started using your software. The speeds have greatly improved.
A little more work is needed on the UI. Once that is done it should be great.

I would like to suggest the following:
1. In the select hosts button you should add a save option so that users come to know that the selected options were saved.
2. Add a search feature for finding required hosts from the list.
3. It seems some popular hosts like oboom, fileparadox & keep2share are missing. It would be great if you can consider adding them.
4. Add more themes.
5. Give users the ability to select number of retries for failed uploads as per their requirements.
6. Option to enable auto starting of queue.
7. A button on the main window to start and stop uploads.
8. Secureupload was giving an error. I guess you need to fix that.
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