Need offshore shared hosting

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hmmm... I'm also looking for shared hosting now. No sense in opening a new thread :P
I'm currently using, but their servers go down at least 3 times a week, and I can't take it anymore.

I'm looking for the same configuration.
I used Photonservers, but they were absolute crap so I won't be going for them ever again. Is any good?
Actually... for the price SQS is asking, you can get yourself a small VPS.
I'm starting to think in that direction now.
Is there such a thing as a nulled CPanel? If not, how do people offer it with shared hosting for such cheap prices?
Actually... for the price SQS is asking, you can get yourself a small VPS.
I'm starting to think in that direction now.
Is there such a thing as a nulled CPanel? If not, how do people offer it with shared hosting for such cheap prices?

No such thing as nulled cpanel, and if there was I would tell you to stay farrrr away from it.

It depends what you define as "cheap", 500GB Storage and Unlimited bandwidth for 2.00 is a ripoff.
But 1GB of space and 20GB of bw is fine for that price.


Many "good" hosts can offer cheap prices because they have been out in the hosting game for a long time, and have many customers to profit from that they can just offer cheap prices.

Many new hosts that you see everyday here on the forums just offer "cheap" prices because they have no clue about running a business. they see another company and want to beat their prices thinking they will make money fast. Unfortunately, many people fall for this and end up having really bad hosting.
Sure, the host can probably keep this up for awhile, 2, 3, maybe even 4 months or more, but after that they start to oversell their server (yes 1 server), and go out of business from bad marketing.

The reason SQS is "more expensive" (*note* the quotes, since it's really not expensive if you think about it) is because jay is starting off. He wants to make a little profit, while paying for the server and not overloading his servers like other starting hosts make the mistake of. He'd rather have his customers happy and his servers paid, than make that extra buck (if you get what I mean).


Always remember, do not go with any host who has been around for less than year. (Sorry -- but it's true).
And never go to someone because they are "cheap", go to someone who is reputable. I'm always willing to pay a little extra for good uptime and better support, than saving that extra dollar and having my site down every day.

"You get what you pay for!". B-)
Actually... for the price SQS is asking, you can get yourself a small VPS.
I'm starting to think in that direction now.
Is there such a thing as a nulled CPanel? If not, how do people offer it with shared hosting for such cheap prices?

No their is no such thing as nulled cPanel, for a dedicated server it is around $40/month but they only need one license for all the shared accounts on the server.
I'm currently using, but their servers go down at least 3 times a week, and I can't take it anymore.

Hello woja. I am a client of ServeDome and I currently use a VPS.
Downtimes on shared are due DDoS attacks that happen on network.

For the people suguesting wrzhost, you better not go there, downtime will be even worse.

I'd suggest you to contact ServeDome support and seek for assistance. They are really nice and they will help you.

If you, yet, want to switch then you can pick:
a friend of mine told me that they have good uptimes, yet I haven't used them so I don't know.
Thanks for the answer info_move. That explains it a bit more.
As for NewEra and Sandino. I can't agree with you more. That's why I chose Servedome. I know they've been in the business a long time, and thought I'd get good service. I guess they can't handle all the ddosing going on there. Their service is quite good and responsive. The only problem is that I need to use it way to often.

I don't mind paying an extra buck to get good service, but before making a move, I'd like to be sure I'm getting what I pay for. As you just said Sandino, Jayfella is new in the shared hosting business, so I'd best wait a while before using his services. Especially when there are other (hopefully) good services which are reasonably priced.

Right now, my website really doesn't need more than 1gb hdd and 20gb BW.
I'll give Scorpiohosts a look. They're "a bit more expensive" than the others, but I think it may be worth it if they have good uptime. :)
Thanks for the answer info_move. That explains it a bit more.
As for NewEra and Sandino. I can't agree with you more. That's why I chose Servedome. I know they've been in the business a long time, and thought I'd get good service. I guess they can't handle all the ddosing going on there. Their service is quite good and responsive. The only problem is that I need to use it way to often.

I don't mind paying an extra buck to get good service, but before making a move, I'd like to be sure I'm getting what I pay for. As you just said Sandino, Jayfella is new in the shared hosting business, so I'd best wait a while before using his services. Especially when there are other (hopefully) good services which are reasonably priced.

Right now, my website really doesn't need more than 1gb hdd and 20gb BW.
I'll give Scorpiohosts a look. They're "a bit more expensive" than the others, but I think it may be worth it if they have good uptime. :)

Yeah, as a host myself I know how much of a pain it is to stop ddos attacks and such; not only for the host themselves but for the clients as well! I haven't really heard much about servedome so I really cannot comment on their quality of service, but if they have been having problems recently and have not fixed it - then yes I suggest moving, because remember, you can always go back :)

And yep, like I said it's always a good idea to do some research and pay an extra buck or two for quality of service and support. If you need help finding a decent host, feel free to contact me; as people say i'm always a good choice for unbiased opinions about hosts B-)

Good luck.
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