Need help with wordpress

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I think you should have the following plugins:

1) Recent Comments
2) Recent Posts
3) Subscribe to Comments
4) Some of the must-have plugins by Lester Chan (e.g. Users Online, Sticky, Post Views, Ratings, Pagination, etc.)
5) The most important for SEO, the sitemap plugin and all in one seo.

Thats all that came to my mind for now. Cant think of anything more. Always there to help out warez bloggers :bloodlust:

Just go to plugin directory and view the plugins which are most downloaded then browse through the list and get what you want.

I do not think that would be a wise idea actually. Every blog may have its own needs and esp. when its warez, its a whole different world. So a bit of research in the google or some plugin sites would be the best thing to do imo.
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