Need Auto Poster for forums

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i tried to talk to you the other day, batori, remember? you instantly went offline when you were added to the conversation.

and i lol at ur claim. you must not be able to count m8. said i stole something from you?? not true

Proof? Well check my project back a year ago ;)

Cheers you little liar LOL
any make people pay that app??? LOL

They pay you by posting to your site xD LOL

That's why WAREZME will make public the version v3 with a database of 197 forums for FREEEEE ;)
come on msn batori. why you so scared to talk to me.

Why dont you ask your sidekick jason. he told most of the webmasters on this forum the same, even after i banned him from my site and you made him an admin.
come on msn batori. why you so scared to talk to me.

Why dont you ask your sidekick jason. he told most of the webmasters on this forum the same, even after i banned him from my site and you made him an admin.

Well i hate lies, that's made people think i stole something from you...and that's not cool.

If your jelous or something , that's not the way to talk around...Anyhow good app, but too bad you make pay people for it.

jason who? we never had any admins : it's only me, luzifer and jacobian.
dude, you made a postmaker a year ago. true. it didnt work. true. then i came to your site, and we decided to remake it together. Then, half-way, you MSN'ed me, saying you are making one of your own, but i could keep making the one we were making together if i liked. fact.

Then i left your forum and made my own, and made my auto-poster that sent to 22 forums before your program even started up. fact.

In all the time you had spent making your program, 2 months before i even made my own, i started up my forum, made a program that blew yours out the water and even had time to make another one that you can add your own forums to. So tell me, how can i do all of that, while you are still catching up. If i am the liar, why are you copying what i do? why arent YOU the one making new improvements? why do you need to copy mine?
It didnt work? 8-)

Go to forumw and ask the gmods :P

Please..start talking facts. You are too arrogant and full of yourself, why?

I dont know why am i haveing this conversation with you?? Seems like im talking to a 9 year old kid <_<

insults to avoid answer.

if i am the liar, when you had 2 months head start, why are you copying my improvements?

In fact, as you state, you made one over a year ago, so that would make it 14 months headstart, yet i am able to make 2 programs, both of which are better than your ONE program.

Funny how u get 2 of ur friends to sign up to back you up. Can you not answer by yourself? or do you need people to try and overcrowd the conversation in an effort to stall your asnwer.
You are too arrogant and full of yourself, why?

I lol'ed at that statement. Its just that when some project is started as free and they advertised it as free on every forum. But suddenly they ask to pay for the program. I don't see that as a wise decision. Though it depends on coder.
I'm happy to see some people like batori are still keeping the warez spirit alive. :)

I have to agree the differences between two. But someone who charges for his program should be more kind, instead someone who is giving it free is way too kind and helping. :)
erm.. batori charged to use his program before i made my first auto-poster. and because mine was better and free, he couldnt charge for it anymore, so made it free.
erm.. batori charged to use his program before i made my first auto-poster. and because mine was better and free, he couldnt charge for it anymore, so made it free.
Never knew that. Guys you need to calm down and relax. We are all pirates on the same boat and we all have to survive. We should help each other. :)
If we work together, may be the output will be better. :)
if its that simple to u great coder, then how about making it ? would love to see your outcome :)

Firstly I don't consider myself to be "great". Secondly, if you think these types of applications are complex you are wrong. They take some time to build, that's about it. Thirdly, sometimes its a good thing to know a thing or two about the person you're quoting.

And please don't quote this post as I'm not going to get involved in this kind of discussion.
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