NDSWiND.com - Scene ROM Archive

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NDSWiND.com is my website. You are welcome to download every released NDS ROM. I don't offer any repacked stuff, only real scene releases - hell yeah! Every release is untouched! Each release comes with a boxart, nfo, icon and often with up to four screenshots. I'll update the database soon, so each release will have four screenshots. First all ROMs are hosted on two share hosting services, which should be enough for the beginning. Soon there will be more download mirrors.
My aim is to create a complete NDS ROM scene archive without repacked files, which most other sites offer. I hope people will understand that repacking scene releases shouldn't be done. Each release group has to be credited and respected. It's simple, just like NDSWiND.com!

Just try it out and give me your feedback - NDSWiND.com - Scene ROM Archive! Thank you!


PS: Searching for affiliates - contact me!
Awesome site. You just got yourself a regular visitor ;) (as long as you also open 3dswind.com ;))

Love the load.to mirror by the way, 10 sec waiting time & 2000Kb/s as a free user.
Very cool website. It is one hundred percent unique. I've certainly never seen a similar site before. Everything is categorized in a very wonderful way. The design is very impressive, along with everything else. I love your page. I'm being completely paff. It's so rare I see something so good. Everything is perfect. Simply, one of the best. I'm going to come back, no doubt. You are doing and have done a very good job.
I've been downloading ds roms for 5+ years and this is the best designed site i've seen.
Only improvement i could see would be using more notable file-host providers.
I like it very much! Bookmarked!
The only suggestion is to make it aligned on the center..
and i agree with downklown, i would prefer more popular filehosts like fileserve,filesonic etc.
and people without premium accounts will love megaupload...

NDSWiND is back online and now even in German available. NDSWiND was hardly reachable because of heavy DDoS attacks. In the meanwhile we were upgrading our website. NDSWiND.com is online with a new design and offers now even PSP ISOs via PSPFOX.com, GBA ROMs via GBAMAX.com and 3DS ROMs via 3DSWiND.com.

Follow us on Twitter for updates (#ndswind).


PS: Still searching for link exchanges! If you were once an affiliate on NDSWiND, please contact me and your link will be added!
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