= facebook + Orkut

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Your site is horribly slow. The homepage lacks images/descriptions/logo... aside from the title there is no way a visitor will know its a social networking/dating site whatever u call it. Then why will they sign up?

Also, hostgator is only good for blogs or small sites not high resource intensive sites such as social networking. If you are serious, then do some major GFX work for your site and start off with atleast dedicated dual core server (I would recommend SoftLayer or ThePlanet).
I don't like it at all. I wen't to the site and there was nothing there except an image glowing red telling me to sign up now. Your title has miscaps, your site is bland and you haven't done anything from the looks of it except install the script and left it be.

Do something, get some nice graphics, make it intriguing or at least interesting in some way.

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