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well yeah shit happens.

try to choose a host that is more secure or even better go and get yourself a vps.
nulled board,no comments.
use ipb 3 why do you think ipb releases new version because they patch vulnerabilities i won't say you will be 100% secure but atleast it will be better than 2.3 version which is outdated told you this several time.
things you can do to make the site more secure.
one would be upgrade to the latest ipb 2.3.6 is not supported anymore meaning exploits won't be fixed.
two make sure you use a random pass on all sites.
three .htaccess protect your acp this will give an additional layer of protection to your site thats only if your host isn't stupid enough to leave the server insecure.
four if you don't feel safe on your host change to a new reliable one not a new host one thats been about over 2 years or more.

hope this helps :)
I m using this version since last 3yr Never faced any prob

Hacker hacked my cpanel then he did all things from ftp

He didnot login in admincp of d sites..

But today in He access in admincp with Proxy I.p :(
Its really not my fault..

its totally fault of host.

if u guys cannot help in this case so dont put your leg in this topic.. ;)
Lemme Trouble Shoot u :)

1) Was ur cPanel password : 123456 | 123456789 | 123456abc | Or any Dictonary word?

2) How you knw it was hosts fault. You Must be using some plugin which gave hacker the shell access

3) Check cPanel for his IP. if his ip and ur server ip then WHM got hacked

They restored d site to old backup

Now sites r working fine..

But can anyone tell me how to make IPB 2x3 more secure?

Any one know about this?

Dont install any plugins which are not well known.
things you can do to make the site more secure.
one would be upgrade to the latest ipb 2.3.6 is not supported anymore meaning exploits won't be fixed.
two make sure you use a random pass on all sites.
three .htaccess protect your acp this will give an additional layer of protection to your site thats only if your host isn't stupid enough to leave the server insecure.
four if you don't feel safe on your host change to a new reliable one not a new host one thats been about over 2 years or more.

hope this helps :)

I really dont know how to upgrade :(

If anyone help me this case so It would be gud for me :(
pm me the email you have/had linked to your cpanel

I will run a check for you.
I have a idea what where and how happened
Lemme Trouble Shoot u :)

1) Was ur cPanel password : 123456 | 123456789 | 123456abc | Or any Dictonary word?

2) How you knw it was hosts fault. You Must be using some plugin which gave hacker the shell access

3) Check cPanel for his IP. if his ip and ur server ip then WHM got hacked

Dont install any plugins which are not well known.

Password was strong. But dont know how he hacked it but thing is that the sites which were hosted on Scorpiohost De servers also got hacked also got hacked by same hacker :(
i am not pointing you buddy. i kinda shocked about what happened to you..
too many hacker out there. my wrestling site got hacked 2 times.. then i move to vb 4.0 & now im keep updating to newest updates & im kinda safe from last 6months..
& hope good for Future..

Gud luck...
why should anyone help you if you cant be bothered to help yourself
instead of just asking "who will help me ect..."

go on the internet and do a little research into how a server can be hacked ect...
and then try to do counter measures or just go to a better host or get out the warez
scene or Pay someone to help you out.
For now I have added some protection in admincp in all sites..

but guys what do u think should I upgrade to IPB3 or stay with old?

Need Suggestion.. If yes then please if u have time so upgrade it bcoz I never did before. If u dont want to help then please dont make useless replies I m very upset today .
why should anyone help you if you cant be bothered to help yourself
instead of just asking "who will help me ect..."

go on the internet and do a little research into how a server can be hacked ect...
and then try to do counter measures or just go to a better host or get out the warez
scene or Pay someone to help you out.

Really :(

btw thnx for d comment :)

I will keep remind this comment :)
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