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Tetrahydrocannabinol has been demonstrated to induce human glioma cell death through stimulation of autophagy! That means that weed totally cures cancer. Dude. In a study that confirms what you totally already knew, it turns out that the active ingredient in ganja kills off brain cancer cells:
In the study, THC was found to induce the death of various human brain cancer cell lines and primary cultured human brain cancer cells by a process known as autophagy...
As analysis of tumors from two patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (a highly aggressive brain tumor) receiving intracranial THC administration showed signs of autophagy, the authors suggest that cannabinoid administration may provide a new approach to targeting human cancers.
It's like you can just feel it working, like the smoke is little soldiers going in and like grabbing the brain cancer and throwing it down a deep black hole and you exhale it out with the smoke and inhale purification and like, cleanse. Dude.
[Journal of Clinical Investigation via Science Daily]

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Patrick Swayze: Cannabis is not dangerous, in fact, it has been the best medicine through his battle with cancer.
Patrick Swayze Using Marijuana in Cancer Battle

Patrick Swayze has allegedly begun smoking marijuana to help him in his cancer battle. Sources say close friends of the actor persuaded him to try pot, which has helped ease his nausea, insomnia and anxiety. Swayze, 56, also gained weight after starting the drug.
“He’s recently gained a little weight and feels more normal that he has in months. Patrick was rapidly losing weight and feels more normal than he has in months,” a source says.
“Patrick and his brother Donnie get together almost every day and smoke a joint,” the insider added. “They have been seen smoking weed on the roof of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center while Patrick was getting a treatment.”
Swayze, who has been battling pancreatic cancer since January 2008.


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