My Blog Site got Hacked , Please Help

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hello bro and sister , i have 3 blog , 1 wordpress and 2 blogspot , all 3 blogs clickable links redirect to this vlr dot tynt dot com before showing my original link , i don't know what is that , will it cause harm to my blog sites , or will it benefix for my blog site , experience website user can kindly enlighten me how can i remove this redirect from all my blog clickable link and how to show back my normal clickable link without any redirect , thanks in advance .:(
no , didn't install any redirect link , all plugin on wordpress are ok , clean , as i already deactitvate all and the redirect code still exist on it , strange thing is my 2 blogspot blogs which are only avaliable only on my links rar file , and needed to download inorder to know the blog url , so i think the hijacker have downloaded my rar file inorder to view my blogspot url
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Did you contact with teh hosting provider yet?

Blogspot blogs are with Google.

Google is extremely secure.

Honestly, your computer may have been keylogged/ratted and they logged into your accounts and placed malaware possibly.

I don't understand how your blogspot blogs got hacked as well.

It's possible all of your websites have something in common, possibly an ad code or some code you placed that could be causing this.

Are you using nulled themes?
You could post a link to the websites it would probably help. I would view the source/html and look for any extra code.

ok thank , these are the extra code found on all my blog file and image host clickable links ( a hr@f=" )

Did you contact with teh hosting provider yet?

not yet

Blogspot blogs are with Google.

Google is extremely secure.

Honestly, your computer may have been keylogged/ratted and they logged into your accounts and placed malaware possibly.

I don't understand how your blogspot blogs got hacked as well.

It's possible all of your websites have something in common, possibly an ad code or some code you placed that could be causing this.

Are you using nulled themes?

Recently i upgraded to window 10 and i also scan my computer with KIS and anti malware , nothing detected , i also posted some clickable link on my private blogger blog , but not infected too , so i think my computer is safe from malware or virus , yea but i do have linkshrink exit script install on these 3 blog html
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hello bro and sister , i have 3 blog , 1 wordpress and 2 blogspot , all 3 blogs clickable links redirect to this vlr dot tynt dot com before showing my original link , i don't know what is that , will it cause harm to my blog sites , or will it benefix for my blog site , experience website user can kindly enlighten me how can i remove this redirect from all my blog clickable link and how to show back my normal clickable link without any redirect , thanks in advance .:(

experiencing the same thing.. I remove script and the problem solved. I think its the new additional feature of

PS. I just registered to help you :)
hello bro and sister , i have 3 blog , 1 wordpress and 2 blogspot , all 3 blogs clickable links redirect to this vlr dot tynt dot com before showing my original link , i don't know what is that , will it cause harm to my blog sites , or will it benefix for my blog site , experience website user can kindly enlighten me how can i remove this redirect from all my blog clickable link and how to show back my normal clickable link without any redirect , thanks in advance .:(

experiencing the same thing.. I remove script and the problem solved. I think its the new additional feature of

PS. I just registered to help you :)

thanks bro , ya i do have script on these 3 blog , will remove it and see problem persist or not , once again thanks for just registering to help me , you really a kind soul :)

It's work , problem solved , the culprit really is amoung us script , the extra code gone
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I don't use among us but that's strange when you add redirect link without permission. You should contact the owner and ask him about this sittuation.
I would recommend you to scan your own computer first. Do it with Malware byte Anti Malware, and see if it finds something. Also check your browser for any unwanted plugins / add-ons.
I believe, this will help you solve this issue.

Please don't forget to share the solution which worked for you once its done.
I would recommend you to scan your own computer first. Do it with Malware byte Anti Malware, and see if it finds something. Also check your browser for any unwanted plugins / add-ons.
I believe, this will help you solve this issue.

Please don't forget to share the solution which worked for you once its done.

Already solved , it's the script and i already email them , i think their site have attack , but they had already remove the redirect , so i reuse them back again :)
I would recommend you to scan your own computer first. Do it with Malware byte Anti Malware, and see if it finds something. Also check your browser for any unwanted plugins / add-ons.
I believe, this will help you solve this issue.

Please don't forget to share the solution which worked for you once its done.

Already solved , it's the script and i already email them , i think their site have attack , but they had already remove the redirect , so i reuse them back again :)

Thankyou for sharing the information.
Please check out first any suspicious plug-in in your website.And you can take help from a dedicated developer. Most hacking issue comes from this way. and change your admin login details.
Have you updated your wordpress installation to latest one. It's very important as wordpress itself discloses loop which they fixed in new edition. It helps hackes.
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