Shared - CPanel, 1GB space, 5GB bandwidth from $0.99/month (Netherlands)

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I was thinking that when mXzon had issues everyone was posting here...
when its stable not a single vouch...

just look that for today :


all weeks there is a problem on the server... try to keep the server online for one month and more and u will get positive reviews ..
Well its not down for all these times...
It is showing so because my be its a time out

I am personally monitoring the server and its never been down for last two weeks...
Can you handle this specs?

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a hosting solution (shared or VPS) that meets the following requirements:

The hosting must provide:
Python (2.4, 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7)
Python setuptools
Python virtualenv
MySQL 5.0.x or newer
GCC must be installed and available on your $PATH for certain required Python packages (mysql-python, PIL) to install properly.
libjpeg and zlib are also required for certain required Python packages (PIL) to install properly.
SSH access

Also, the host must also provide one of:
SSH (non-root) access and Apache with mod_fastcgi
SSH root access and Apache mod_wsgi

Keep me posted,

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